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Basenji Health Issues & Questions

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  • Terrible Odor

    27 May 2021, 11:52
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    22 Posts
    @tanza I wrote a response yesterday and it's gone, lost in the "idiot failed to send it" drawer. I totally agree the dog needs a vet now! My concern is that too many vets then doom the dog to weekly/monthly etc. expressing without discussing diet and how it can help avoid the manual expressing.
  • Not Interested In Eating His Food!

    25 May 2021, 00:17
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    31 Posts
    I'll just add this in case the testing doesnt give you answers. Anorexia exits. Although nearly ALL cases of dogs who do not want food has an underlying medical cause. But some dogs simply have anorexia. There are drugs that work very good for it..At one point they stopped making one type so we had so we had to switch. They increased Sayblees aggression. So from then on i handfed her.
  • Cone trouble

    21 Jun 2021, 08:30
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    @chenke thank you for your input! When I went to the vet, they had a shorter and more flexible plastic cone. The one I had was from them but from long ago. It definitely was from a plastic that is more able to brake. She's more content with this cone.
  • Basenji Surgery For GI Bleed Potential

    10 Jun 2021, 00:50
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    14 Posts
    @mmasco Please go to They have remedies for Cancer that could help. I have used them for my dog with great results. Praying for your sweet boy.
  • Heat cycles

    18 May 2021, 08:36
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    She's very young. It does take some bitches a couple of years (cycles) before they settle into a routine - which is another reason not to neuter them until everything has really settled down !) I wouldn't worry too much, just keep a close eye on her. She was born 'out of season' - but will probably revert to one proper season a year in time.
  • Cushings Disease

    22 Apr 2021, 21:43
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    18 Posts
    @gwen - It is not common Basenjis, many breeds, mixed breeds have/develop Cushings.
  • Lure Coursing Age

    18 May 2021, 22:01
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    8 Posts
    @tanza said in Lure Coursing Age: @donc - Age to compete for AKC and ASFA lure trials is 12 months of age Thanks. Seems odd to me to have the same minimum age for Fast Cat and Lure Coursing. The latter will put a lot more stress on the dog than the former. Then again, large dogs and small dogs are not the same, so having a good age requirement would be difficult to come up with.
  • IBS in basenji

    9 May 2021, 15:18
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    15 Posts
    @jengosmonkey That is a very interesting link. My girl suffered none of the possible side effects. No lethargy, listlessness, weight gain and her shape remained immaculate till the day she died. But she no longer suffered from IBS.
  • Puppy Vaccines ?

    2 May 2021, 23:08
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    22 Posts
    @jengosmonkey - NuHeart only does Heartworm, Heartguard Plus has meds for roundworms & hookworm. And people that give heartworm for 6 months are typically people that live in climates that have a cold winter, ie: when the ground freezes. We do not have that in this part of No. California so I give it year round.
  • Estrus

    28 Apr 2021, 04:12
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    9 Posts
    @beth314 You don't need to go to any expense. An old towel is perfectly OK and she may not even leak much. This is a case of taking things easy and just relaxing. @DonC said We had a female who, the first time she went into heat, carried on and on and on. So much so that we started singing the Annie Lennox song "I Need A Man". We had one who screamed for a man from about Day 4 into her season. Not only that, but she wouldn't eat. She went on and on, discharging paler and paler, and in the end I took her to one of our own line (line breeding on Donner) - not really expecting anything. It was probably Day 22 or so. Result was four beautiful puppies, two tris and two reds and they all lived to be well over 14 - our own Trouble making 16.5. We had to keep a tri bitch ! But - the power of a good man - she starting eating normally and stopped screaming from the moment I got her home after the mating. She really had been screaming for a man !
  • Anemia

    14 Apr 2021, 23:16
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    @debbie It has been my experience that Fanconi b’s do much better when issues are identified early. There are multiple possibilities as to the source of anemia in a Fanconi b. It is important to address the cause. I’ve found some vets are too willing to just write it off as a “Fanconi” problem when it has often been something that could be addressed.
  • Back legs collapsing

    14 Apr 2021, 07:16
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    Has a complete set of blood work been done? Electrolytes may be off. Ionized calcium (which is not often checked) may be out of range. Tick diseases may lead to neural issues. Previous ‘old’ damage or minor defects of the vertebrae, discs or spinal cord may become more significant with age. A good chiropractor or, as previously mentioned, acupuncturist may be able to help. If you feel that it really is not due to aging, a visit with a neurologist might help.
  • Eating Disorder or Normal?

    6 Apr 2021, 04:51
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    12 Posts
    @annie said in Eating Disorder or Normal?: That is call him Catfish Ha! Damn you auto-correct.
  • 0 Votes
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    Just because the breeder's other litters didn't show signs of allergies doesn't mean yours won't have an allergy to the corn. Dogs like people are individuals and allergies aren't necessarily genetically passed along. But as someone mentioned, a lot of allergies are environmental. But it is important to "test" to find out - make detailed notes on when the hot spots become most irritating; is it right after the dog has been outside after a rain where soil molds become an issue; are there certain blankets or crate pads that cause an issue; and don't forget to run a food test eliminating corn, as it might not be the corn but some other ingredient.
  • Puppy randomly screaming while playing

    4 Apr 2021, 20:18
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    6 Posts
    @dedes9 - Sounds like it could be an issue with the patella. I would suggest a Vet visit to have them check that out. Here is a link you can read about it. While it is not a big issue with Basenjis it does show up...
  • Two blue eyes female Basenji

    24 Dec 2020, 22:22
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    55 Posts
    @maddyrien Not sure that I understand the question. Hackles can go up, they can get a lovely counter-ridge along the back, if annoyed, angry or just apprehensive. In winter some grow quite a thick mane and a positive winter coat but then they shed (!) and the first place it usually starts to 'go' is on the top of the head, between the ears. Thereafter daily grooming becomes essential - for the sake of the furniture -
  • 0 Votes
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    We have had two seasons in the pack, very often. This has given us more than a fair share of summer litters. Basically, when one girl comes in, they all do. Sometimes its only a token dribble in sympathy from a bitch whose 'normal' ovulation is counter to that of the other ladies. One bitch, born in September, only ever actually ovulated and could be bred in the Spring although she apparently had a sympathy season with the others in Autumn. They kept her company in Spring but matings were not successful for them at 'her' time. I wouldn't worry but it never hurts to call on the vet if you are ever worried about anything.
  • Puppy scratching a lot especially face

    30 Mar 2021, 04:34
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    @tanza So have I. Nary a problem.
  • Another tick/flea medicine question

    2 May 2008, 16:26
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    Nexgard fan I personally do not like topical meds.
  • High calorie food suggestions

    28 Mar 2021, 22:34
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    30 Posts
    @beth314 I use the VetIQ MultiVitamin. WalMart sells it in the pet section and online. Sam's Club used to have it, they may in your area, but my local Sam's took it off the shelf.