Is this a Basenji?
Thanks guys for the comments.
I feel like he could be something else on a whole different level, but he cleans himself, not just the normal paw and privates, but also him fur.
And here is his tail, since I just noticed all the pics have him calm, in which his tail usually lays out.
While he isn't purebred (lack of white tells us so), there aren't many breeds that curl their tails. And Basenji's tailbones actually curl towards the end, they couldn't totally straighten it out if they wanted to. That said, I still think he probably has some Basenji in his genes….and he's still cute as the dickens. More stories and photos - a must:)
While he isn't purebred (lack of white tells us so), there aren't many breeds that curl their tails. And Basenji's tailbones actually curl towards the end, they couldn't totally straighten it out if they wanted to. That said, I still think he probably has some Basenji in his genes….and he's still cute as the dickens. More stories and photos - a must:)
Actually all of the Spitz type dogs have a tail that curls over the back (Akita, Shiba, Malamute, Husky, etc). The double curl of the westernized Basenji has been added by breeders. Often Rat Terriers have a curled tail if it isn't docked, possibly because there is Basenji back in the lineage to create the breed. And lots of Basenjis have a tail that ONLY curls up over the back. Not all B tail bones curl at the end…Some of my dogs have super tight curls that you can't "undo" and some of mine relax their tails quite frequently.
I don't want it to seem like I am arguing with you, 'cause I think I agree with what you are saying. But I just wanted to clarify a little about Basenji tails.
I would say a little basenji in him however he is DEFINATELY a mix. possibly a pariah dog. im not sure, he sure is an interesting mix. VERY cute tho!
either way he's very cute. and if, by chance, he's not a basenji X, I'd think pariah dogs share enough traits with basenjis that you could learn a lot by hanging around and we could learn from you. So, welcome!
I think he is absolutely adorable, no matter what he is. IMO he has a little bit of a basenji look, but if I had him I wouldn't care what breed he was. You have obviously found yourself a wonderful companion! Oh, and welcome to the forum! Glad to have you and Tag here!
I think you must have a mix there, he has the waistline, larger breast bone, some wrinkles on the forehead, some curl to tail, size, I don't think full-blooded though b/c he lacks a white tip tail, and the brown color, but he is very loving looking, and my B sleeps like him also. Whatever, I would treat him like a Basenji since he has alot of the mannerisms. Sweet!
Whoever and whatever he is, he is adorable - he does sleep like a basenji, and he's welcome, as are you, to the forum.
Here is my little pup. I love him very much and he is my best friend.
Tag, Now at 1.5 years old
Male @ 21lbs
Got him from the Atlanta Humane Society
-They said he was a German Shepherd
All muscle
Very Fast
He has a single loop tale
Short Fur, no shedding
No Bark, but yodel.
Wrinkle in the forehead
Basic behavioral patterns that match a pure bread basenji.Weird thing is that he has all brown fur. LMK what you guys think.
Mischievous as they are.
looks like a croos but he is so cute….
A cute mix…but I do see some b in him!
The yodel would indicate basenji in there for sure, lol but wow that is one incredibly cute dog! Bless you for rescuing.
So many of those poses and positions are the same things I see Paco do. I'm also no expert, and Paco's my first dog that's mine-all-mine for me to watch all the time, but I feel like Tag's face is very Basenji-like…and if he yodels as well...
if he doesn't have Basenji in him, I'd at least say you could describe him to others as a Basenji-like dog.