Miles: A Rescue
This is so COOL!
Thanks so much for sharing. -
Well, we've been away for a while. We recently moved. Thought I'd post a few recent pics just for fun. :)
Miles sleeping on the job– should have been packing. ;)
Lexi waiting for the move.
Miles enjoying his new digs! :)
Miles supervising the construction across the street. He really enjoys the sunroom.
I just loved reading your post, in a world where we have so much trouble its nice to hear a story like this. Miles is lucky to have found you and i'm sure he will have lots of fun with Lexi.
Thanks for sharing. -
It's good to see you again! Your pups are as gorgeous as ever. Love the new house and the pics! Keep us updated when you can…
Aawwww - love the nap picture - looks like it's going to be one happy little family. Great that he was able to find you guys.
These photos are wonderful.
Thank you so much for sharing. -
They seem to enjoy each other tremendously! Lexi makes some sounds I don't ever hear from Bella, very cute!!!:D:D:D
I am very much like you in the sense of wanting/loving to see my dogs sleep, eat and play. My husband thinks I am a loon, but I find real peace with my is not broing at all. Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations on your new little guy - so happy he found you. The pictures are wonderful. It warms the heart to read and see such great stories - wish we could find and take them all in like you did Miles.
So… Lexi & Miles had their yearly checkup today. We switched to a new vet since we moved and I really love the lady. She took time and was sincere with her care.
Unfortunately both Lexi & Miles had elevated kidney functions on their screenings.
Their creatinine was high and bun was on the high end of the "normal" range. I'm wondering if the food they eat has too much protein. I feed them Orijen Senior.Here's Orijen Senior's Content Analysis:
40% Protein
15% fat
6% fiber
1.3% phosThe vet recommended I put the dogs on Royal Canin LP (prescription).
Here's Royal Canin LP's Content Analysis:
11% Protein
10.5% fat
6.2% fiber
.25% phosNow... I don't know what to do. seems like that the recommended food is on the opposite extreme of the spectrum. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm wondering if there is some food that is not as extreme. Thoughts??
Tayda had elevated Creatinine and BUN. I originally had her on the Wellness Core - which is very high protein - around 40% I think. I switched her to a variety of lower protein foods - Blue Buffalo, Wellness Senior, Innova Senior - which were all around 18-23% and it brought her Creatinine and BUN right down.
If there is nothing else abnormal about their bloodwork - just switching their food could do the trick…
It has always been recommended that the protein is dropped age they age as the high protein is hard on their Kidneys. You can look maybe something in the middle range from what you are feeding.. but not as low as the one the Vet is recommending. How old are they?