You can find a lot of puppy collars at thrift shops for pretty cheap - would never pay full price for one. I'm getting mine at 14 weeks and was told that 8-12 inches was what was being used - then at 4- 6 months graduate to 10-14 inch collar.
Jet the trying
RIP Jet the trying, what a lovely age to reach and many many memories you must have after 16.5 years.
Jolanda and Kaiser
So sad, but what a good life you all must have had together.
So sorry for your loss, but glad that Jet had such a long and wonderful life.
So sorry to hear
Sorry for your loss, their lives are never as long as we wish they would be.
So sorry for your loss, but he had a very full and happy life.
I'm so sorry for your loss. No matter how old they are loosing them is never easy
Wow, what a string of accomplishments! Congrats on having known such a friend, no number of years is ever enough with a dog like that. So sorry for your loss.
thank you everyone for your kind words/thoughts.
Jet was lucky, to have a friend like you.
Max is carrying on the spring- chicken thing at 26pd 3 years, Jet would be proud.
Sorry for your lost…