But, I must say that sometimes she seems to lead him on and sends what I as a human perceive to be mixed messages. If she were my daughter, I'd take her aside and tell her "You can NOT tell him "NO!" and then wiggle your butt and wink at him!!!" She raises her hackles, bares her teeth and snarls at him, and then wags her tail and gets into the let's play position.
I was making a bad attempt at being funny when I said the above. I knew I was humanizing something an animal was doing but I didn't communicate it well enough. That's why I'll never get the big bucks as a comedian!
Anyway, I think Jayden's humping is in the category of getting over excited and him using the humping to relieve the stress. The humping doesn't annoy me but it annoys Cory and then it sounds like a cat fight in the living room. Cory is very vocal in her displeasure and goes after him with all teeth bared. I do ultimately separate them until he calms down. Then it is over for the evening. Cory and I do hope that Jayden being neutered will bring it down at least a little. Not expecting miracles…just down a notch. The piddling inside doesn't happen often and may be a case of laziness or missed cues. But, since Cory and none of my other previous female dogs have been house piddlers, I am hoping that if there is any element of male marking involved, it will cease. It has probably been months since he piddled in the house. Except in his pen when I go to run errands. He always does that dispite having been let out to piddle just before being penned up. He is a little more nervous than Cory and if being neutered calms him a little....that would be nice too but I know his personality won't really change. That is okay....he is our big bubba and we love him.
My friend said what she said because she had a Basset Hound that was neutered at age 2 and she felt his temperment changed for the worse afterwards. I don't know in what manner it changed. It may not have had anything to do with the surgery but how he was treated. We had a dog years ago who would not let a male vet or kennel attendent touch him after a bad boarding experience.
Since I hadn't had the surgery done yet, I just wanted some reassurance before hand. Hearing that there could be at least a little improvement and there will be no negative effects is what I wanted and I do thank you all for that!:)
Cory and Jayden