• A terrible thing has happened. On Sunday evening, without warning, Zelda cried out in her crate and collapsed. She was limp and not breathing and completely unresponsive. We tried desperately for a long time – John, my sister Gloria, and I -- to resuscitate her, but we could not.

    She was five months and 2 days old. She had not been sick at all. Her day Sunday was a very happy, energetic, fun-filled day. She got to see her breeder, to play with a litter of puppies. She had a great time, had her dinner, went to bed perfectly fine. And then she was gone.

    We are crushed. Zelda was one of the most amazing dogs I have ever known. She was happy and smart and beautiful.

    The necropsy said that nothing looked obviously wrong and that their best guess was that it was her heart. We have sent her heart (and brain) off for further testing, and we will bury her today on Gloria's land here.

    We are taking one day at a time, one hour at a time.

    When we find out anything further from the testing, I will update.

  • I am so sorry to hear that… how horrible for you.... While nothing will bring her back, if they find a reason, hopefully that will give you a little closure.

    Hugs to everyone on a terrible loss

  • OMG!!! I'm so sorry to hear that - what a shock to all of you, especially with losing your other B at such a young age. My thoughts are with you guys - I'm so sorry.

  • I'm really so sorry to hear of Zelda's death. That's really a tragedy that can put one in shock. It's hard to speculate on what caused it as there are numerous reasons but it is not a common thing.

  • I am so, so, so sorry…..I still feel the pain of the death of our girl Luna. who died under similar circumstances. I hope that your heart will heal in time...

  • I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how painful it is right now but our hearts and thoughts are with you.

  • Oh how awful for you, so sorry for your loss.

  • I am so very sorry for your loss of Zelda, i can't begin to imagine how you feel.

  • Oh, I'm so, so sorry. How tragic. 5 months old - that's just awful. I know how you feel. I had the same thing happen to our 5 year old malinois. she was happy, chasing the ball having fun during the day and that evening she barked and fell over dead. because she was a rescue and i didn't think it would help me or DH, we did not have a necropsy done, but i always thought it was her heart or brain. again, i'm so sorry you're going through this.

  • I am so very sorry. I cannot even imagine how awful it must be for you, to suddenly lose one so young and vital. Heart is the only thing I can think of that would be so quick, like the young human athletes that collapse with undiscovered heart problems. Huge hugs to you and your family, RIP Zelda.

  • Houston

    I am so, so sorry to hear about Zelda..how absolutely heart breaking. My condolences to all of you.

  • What a sad, sad story. Please accept my condolences, and know that Zelda undoubtedly had a wonderful time with her family while living on this earth. She is still running happy and free.

  • I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  • I'm so sorry to hear about Zelda.. How awful to loose such a young dog 😞

  • {{{listeme}}}

    My condolences…you must be heartbroken. May the Grandmothers help you through this difficult time.

  • What a horrible news to hear… 😞

    I'm so sorry for your loss... hugs from Holland...

    Rest in peace Zelda..

  • I am so sorry for your loss 😞

  • I'm sorry for your loss. Rest in peace little girl…

  • Wow! So heartbreaking! I can only imagine to lose one so young, though it is difficult rergardless of age, We know that our friends are happy and healthy and having a good time waiting for us across the bridge! 🙂

  • The tests on Zelda's heart and brain all came back negative. There were no signs of disease, infection, parasite, congenital abnormality, tumor, anything. Really it seems to have been the equivalent of a freak accident. (There may be more things that got ruled out, but the written report is still in the mail. I'll add anything vital when it comes.)

    Debbie (her breeder) has been marvelous and supportive.

    We are back in Virginia now. This week felt like it lasted a really long time.

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