My basenji goes all nuts with wet towels!
Definitely a basenji trait. All 10 of mine have done this. Xander is constantly running off with my dishtowel
About 11 years ago I had a guy renting a room at my house and the first day he was here my rw, Ringo went in the bathroom and grabbed his wet towel, brought it in the living room, dropped it in front of him and proceeded to roll around on it. I ran over embarrassingly and grabbed it fast. He thought it was amusing.
That and she nibbles on my husbands arms. Not usually anyone else, well my dad every once in a while too. The only other time I see her doing this is on Tucker, our B male. It's weird.
Another Basenji trait!!! I call it "de-fleeing"…. My Franie does it to C-Me and only sometimes to me.
Pippin is exactly the same way, with the towels and the de-fleeing..he constantly licks on the shower doors too. :)
I wouldn't say you have normal dogs..BUT normal B's…heck yeah!:D
I swear that if I dry my legs before Oakley gets to lick them dry, that he is mad at me for not letting him do it! Oakley also "preens" my arms on occasion which I think is his way of being lovey.
The little quirks that these guys have are amazing. Have they tried the 'diversion' tactic on you?? You are sitting down eating supper then they go do something bad so that you have to get off your chair to go see what they are doing….meanwhile they are circling behind you on their way to jump up on the chairs to get at your food??
We call those love nibbles. They do it to each other as well as us humans.
The little quirks that these guys have are amazing. Have they tried the 'diversion' tactic on you?? You are sitting down eating supper then they go do something bad so that you have to get off your chair to go see what they are doing….meanwhile they are circling behind you on their way to jump up on the chairs to get at your food??
LOL, oh yes…. you learn to "take your plate with you"!
We make guests put their purses up on the counter, because the b's think it's a game to root for kleenex.