Basenji or Decker Rat Terrier?
Thank you. I apologize, I know standing in grass isnt the best way to assess leg length. These are the only two pictures I could get of him from the side. I'm trying to get him to stand still and he is not having it! Standing still for a tape measure is out of the question as well, lol. When standing completely erect, he is more square than these photos. I'll upload better ones if I can get them.
Tape measure.....I assume to get his height. That would be useful. Looks quite Basenji to me, certainly nothing that suggests Jack Russell as was suggested to you. The tail is the only thing. Maybe a Basenji/Rat Terrier cross? If I couldn't see the tail I would guess Basenji.
Definitely a Basenji! Although the standard calls for a more square body, there are plenty out there that are longer than ideal. He looks and sounds like a wonderful companion, and I agree that some bozo must have hacked his tail off. :-(
That’s a Basenji! You need to give him plenty of exercise and watch his weight!
Thanks everyone! He looks purebred to me but I'm certainly no expert. The tail was really throwing me off a bit. From all the reading I've been doing we're going to have a handful with this one but we're up for the challenge. When he's not racing around the yard at 100 mph or shredding everything he gets his mouth on, he turns into the biggest snuggle bug and we love him so much already. His adoption fee is definitely the best $20 we've ever spent! 😄
My guess is Basenji dad. My reasoning is that anyone with a Basenji bitch whelping pups would have left the tail alone. Interesting that they docked the tail and left the dew-claws. I would be absolutely floored if DNA results didn't come back with B in it.
He's a real cutie!!!
I have posted before and I have three basenjis and a decker rat terrier from the original lines. It is said that basenjis were used to make deckers way back when. The older deckers do have the wrinkling. They also do not bark, and when they lay down they splay their feet in the back. The only thing I can say and this is because I rescued my decker and there were many rescued from the same breeder and I have kept in touch with a couple. They are not active except when their prey drive kicks in. They are known to be aggressive because they bond very strongly to their family. My decker was aggressive, it was ALOT of training to knock that out. I definately see alot of basenji in your pup. The body, tail and stance definately reminds me of a decker but the color throws me off. I have seen standard rat terriers in that color but not deckers. Either way, the pup is beautiful and you are very lucky if it is basenji or decker or any breed for that matter Basenji and decker are both wonderful breeds.
Anyone got a picture of a decker ? Unknown in my neck of the woods and I would love to see one ! Interesting idea that the Basenji part of the mix is more likely to be Dad. I agree that anyone whelping puppies with curly tails would not dock them BUT Basenji puppies are not born with curly tails. Even so, even if the pups were the result of an ooops mating to a 'man with a bicycle' I doubt Mom's owner would dock.