My Zander
Today I had too let Zander go be with his little/big brother Peanut at the bridge. Diabetis seems to be the main reason for his decline, but no matter what the reason, it never gets any easier. Thankful for the 6 years we shared but will always long for more.
RIP Zander, Peanut and all our B's at the Bridge….know that we look forward to the day we'll never again say good bye.
Very sorry to hear of you're loss of Zander.
Run free with you're brother -
how very sad. Often the kindest thing is so difficult. You're in my thoughts.
Sorry to hear that. {Hugzz}
Sorry for both your losses
"It never gets any easier". Amen to that. When I was younger I always thought such things would be easier to deal with when I was older and supposedly wiser. Alas, not so. I take every loss harder than the one before. Even hearing of someone else's is emotionally difficult now. Believe me, I feel your pain. So sorry to hear of your loss.
No, it doesn't get easier. Just keep on visualizing both (ALL) of them running, spinning, zipping in and around each other and being Basenji where there is no pain-just squirrels and rays of sunshine to bathe in!!!!
I'm so sorry for the losses of both Zander and Fatia. It's hard to lose a loved dog. Their time here is always too short, and I know they'll be missed.
Wow, so many sad, heavy stories at this time of year. =( They look beautiful in your signature, as I'm sure they will always remain in your fondest, most treasured memories. Rest in peace.