Rescue of the Chow Chow variety
debra, you know for sure this is an legit rescue? Sorry for this post, but many folks are "claiming" rescue and not doing it.
chow chows are wonderful neat dogs and, despite the somewhat bad rep, the ones i have met have been lovely ambassadors for the breed.
My sis has the most gorgeous, mellow, female blue chow who too is a wonderful ambassador for the breed.
How sad for these chows. But perhaps now they will go on to a better life. Bless all of those who work in rescue.
debra, you know for sure this is an legit rescue? Sorry for this post, but many folks are "claiming" rescue and not doing it.
Oh wow, do I ever know they are legit. This woman has been an angel for so long, most of us from around the country support her. Many of us have gotten rescues from her. So yeah, she's as legit as BRAT.
You should suggest that they set up a PayPal account. It would be much easier for people to make a donation
When you click on the MAKE A DONATION link, it does go to the PayPal account :) to donate to Chow Chow Rescue of Central New York, Inc.
At, I had to use a "ChipIn!" button to donate via PayPal.
Blessings on Cindy!
I had heard about the dumping of the dogs but did not know anything about the new dogs. I guess they found out who the owner was of the dumped dogs and now he/she turned over all of the Chows. I guess the market was not good for Chows.
What a sad story! I hope the owner gets prosecuted for the dumping of the dogs.
… and how utterly stupid of that puppymiller, too. How do you dump that many dogs and NOT have it traced back to you? Ridiculous. Ugh.
I will forward this information. I'm sorry to hear that there are fewer available resources for Chow rescue. BRAT is truly one of the most well-organized breed rescues I have seen, and sometimes I lose sight of how this "safety net" is not available to all.
Are they looking for people to help transport animals? I am not that far away (rochester, NY) and could help with transporting dogs from Cicero west towards Rochester/Buffalo/Erie, if needed. I also have a petsitter friend that does a lot of transporting for other organizations so she would probably help too.
Yes, please hit the volunteer button on the main page and volunteer specifying you can help transport. I think their FB is open to public… if so, omg look at the chow Amy groomed...!/pages/Chow-Chow-Rescue-of-Central-New-York-Inc/174231968446