Well not long ago when Gizmo cut his paw I swore it would be a long time until he was gonna be pumped with drugs again…but then his happened today....
Before anyone posts a reply, please think through what you are going to say. I am very affected by this, and I keep replaying it in my mind...will most likely get little sleep tonight. I keep thinking what should I of done, what did I do wrong etc etc...it's killing me inside and I don't need to hear it.
Truth be told, I don't have many friends in my life (one of the reasons I got Gizmo), and I have the need to share/talk to someone, and this just happens to fall on you guys...
We entered the dogpark today, and everything was fine, Gizmo ran up to the other dogs and had fun. However, this German Shepard kept "bugging" Gizmo. Circling him, and seemed VERY interested in him.
I really didn't think much of it. Gizmo had met this dog before and they had a great time.
Gizmo has lately been a bit "rude" to dogs, and growling at them. So I grab him and say "NO!" whenever he does this. Only now I realize that this time it was different, he did this because he was scared...and BOY do I feel bad...it's eating me up inside. And in afterthought I also remember Gizmo was trying to stay close to me...man I feel like I let him down....:(
Gizmo had his back to the Shepard and was watching me, the Shepard came up behind him and without warning bit down on his lower half. His bite was so hard he actually picked him up and shook him!
Gizmo screamed like I have never heard him scream, and my heart pounded so hard that it was deafening.
I quickly managed to get a hold of Gizmos collar when the Shepard "dropped" him and pulled him quickly to me and scooped him up into my arms....
Now before I go on I am FULLY aware that you should NEVER pick up a dog in a situation like this. Actually Gizmo has been in several "arguments" and I have never had to do this.
So why did I? Two reasons. 1. Some 2 months ago when in the park with the owner of the German Shepard he told me to be careful when Gizmo was jumping/poking his dog (Gizmo wanted to play), because he didn't like that and would without a doubt KILL him. And he said firmly that he was NOT joking about that.
2. I remembered when dogs shake something this is a kill instinct\move. This dog clearly wanted Gizmo dead.
And after meeting this Shepard several times, I believe him. He is very short tempered, and has attacked several dogs. On a good note, the owner is extremely vigilant on keeping an eye on his dog.
With "he will KILL him" popping in my mind, I picked him up in a half panic. This resulted in the dog getting a quick pull at his tail (I was told after), but no damage done. The owner, and others, then started yelling "Don't pick him up!"
Realizing what I had done was wrong, I put him down. Also thinking that since some time had passed since the attack that naturally the owner of the Shepard had got a hold of his dog....boy was I wrong. If only I hadn't put him down!!!
The second I put Gizmo on the ground (yes I know, this too is eating me up inside!), the Shepard went straight for his neck and bit down HARD!
Gizmo was screaming worse than before, and had panic in his eyes. It was very clear he thought he life was over. I was screaming at the owner, other dog owners in the park where also screaming, what I don't know but it was all chaos!
The Shepards owner jumped on his dogs back and used all his might to pull the dogs jaws apart. It felt like hours until Gizmo was free.
There where lots of scratches, but no serious wounds. After taking my time looking him over I left the park.
It was not until we came home did I see blood, and I found a deep punkture in his neck. I instantly called the vet, and we got an appointment shortly after.
The wound was deep, the vet could probe 4 cm. Luckily it wasn't straight into him, but a downwards motion. But it was behind his skin, so we had to stitch.
So only 4-5 days after removing his stitches on his paw, is he drugged down and given new.
The vet was super kind, and was very understanding. And even helped to take well documented pictures should I need it.
So what am I going to do? Sadly I don't have the Shepards owners name or phone number. So I am going to have to take trips to the park around the same time in hopes to bump into him again.
The dogpark has a sign that displays rules that must be followed it you are to use the park. And one of them is, "You are fully responsible for any damage you dog does."
I hope he is a good man and pays for the bills. If not I will have to file a police report…I really hope it does not come to that.
What did I learn? Well, for now on Gizmo I swear to you, if you feel scarred we will leave the park in an instant.
Gizmos rear wounds/scratches. This is where the dog first attacked and shook him.
Finding the blood and wound.
The vet helping me take a good picture displaying the depth of the wound.
The vet showing how deep the prod goes.
Stitched up. The vet did a great job, she even cut away and made the wound more straight so it would heal better and hopefully not show.
So it turns out the owner of the Shepard has been home since Thursday 27, and has been on his Facebook page. So he has seen the message about me asking him to contact me.
I have attempted to call him but no answer. I left a message on his phone. I let one day pass. Nothing.
I then sent a text message. Let one day pass. Nothing.
I contacted the witness lady whom knows him. She is going to talk to him today. If I hear nothing today I will file a police report.
It's obvious he is avoiding the whole situation. Sadly I am now forced to send in Gizmos bills to Gizmos insurance. Bummer.