Although I've already posted our bedtime ritual and antics, last night and this morning were a bit interesting.
Last night, Cody fell asleep curled up against me on the couch while I was reading. When I tried to wake him up to go get in bed, he just sighed and flipped over onto his back with his paws stuck up in the air. Of course, I can't sleep without him anymore, so I scooped him up, took him into the bedroom, and sat him on the bed. Then starts our nightly "argument" over sleeping arrangements, usually ending in picking him up and moving him a few times. Lately, his favorite spot is on the pillows in the very center of the bed, so I have to be quick to lay down before he does. So last night, after a bit of maneuvering, we both got comfortable and fell asleep. Throughout the night, he continued to make himself even more comfortable until I woke up this morning laying horizontally across the bed with my head hanging off of one end and legs hanging off of the other. Of course, he's blissfully comfortable, also laying horizontally across the bed on top of the pillows.
The things I put up with….
I think that next time I may just leave him on the couch .... nah!