What a wonderful black and white b!!! I had a lovely black and white girl for 16 years--she was very opinionated!!! Enjoy your handsome man!!
Hello from South London, UK!
@zande - It is a personal decision... I have found my pics that were many years ago on other websites... What I really am worried about and seen, especially now is scammers stealing pictures and trying to scam people for puppies.....
@jengosmonkey - I have for many years...
@elbrant - Many times I have seen pictures posted on the Forum show up on other sites...
@jengosmonkey - None of us are posting pictures for "a living", but to have people "steal" those pics for their own uses is not responsible and especially this past year there has been many scam sites that have stolen pictures of pups for sale that are pictures of pups that were \are clearly not from the scammer posting pups showing up on a scam website. So I just don't and have not for many years posted pictures here... I am more than happy to send a private message if there is something they would like to see or visit my website
@tanza said in Hello from South London, UK!:
@elbrant - Many times I have seen pictures posted on the Forum show up on other sites...
As far as I can tell, the photo/copyright rules was not created to steal or hamper your ownership rights.
It's just kind of the way social media works. Facebook users should understand it. We see a picture of a sunset, or a meme, or a group of friends and often times we won't think anything about posting it on our own feeds to share with our circle of family and friends. Who knows who actually took the picture of that amazing sunrise? It would be nearly impossible to trace it back to it's origins. But, that doesn't stop us from wanting to share it. It's all so innocent.
Then you come across the people who want to take advantage of others. So, they troll the internet and gather up photos of puppies (just as a broad example). Then they put them online and suggest that the puppy is up for sale, but you have to pay upfront for the transport costs.
We are all adults here... at least adult enough to realize that there are good and bad people in the world. Be aware that there are scams. And that there's a huge number of legit people who would never think to hurt you.
Decide for yourself... we can only be responsible for our own actions.
What a charming fellow! Congratulations (Do you by any chance live near Tower Bridge?)
@chenke Thank you! He's 9 weeks old as of today :).
@sasha74 We're in West Norwood, close to West Dulwich, but not too far from Tower Bridge! It's about a 20 minute journey to London Bridge from here, and then an easy journey onto Tower Bridge. Do you live around Tower Bridge or know of another Basenji near there?
@jkent Oh my goodness, what a little sweetheart! How's the settling in been for you all? She looks very happy
@bjenkins33 it's been challenging getting used to a Basenji's ways but we are getting there! The puppy biting has calmed right down and toilet training has improved a lot just recently. She was doing well in the summer and then started refusing to go outside when the weather turned. Luckily she is very food driven so that has come in handy for persuading her to do many things that she doesn't want but needs to!
@jengosmonkey Sorry, but theft is theft. Yes I know all about water-marking, etc - I've been doing this for years.
I don't make a living out of photography any more, but I do still make my plethora of expensive lenses pay for themselves. So yes, I DO care about people stealing my photos for whatever purpose.
As you say, It is my choice -
@bjenkins33 that would be great would love to meet him and would be great to hear about the early stages with a Basenji pup.
I see you’re in West Norwood, I’m based in Camberwell! -
@scott-ry Oh wonderful! You're very close by then
. He'll be getting his second round of vaccinations in mid-February and hopefully we'll be out of this lockdown sooner rather than later so we'll definitely plan some time for you to meet him. And I'm sure we'll have all kinds of stories for you by then... we've only had him for 4 days but feels like it's been so much longer already
both due to the lack of sleep/total disruption of our usual routine and how sweet he is/central to our lives he already feels!
Let’s hope the lockdown ends sooner than later, I’m sure he is keeping you in your toes.
Gorgeous dog!!! Here in leeds I can't seem to get any information on these dogs, I really want a basenji it's my ideal dog.
@alay Google Northern Basenji Society. On the website you will find contact email addresses. Nothing available for this year now but you might find a breeder and get onto a waiting list for 2022
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