Perry 2003 - 2016
i am so sorry to see this. i always enjoyed your stories about Perry.
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss.
Shirley, you know I am very sad for you. But you did what was right by him. ((hugs)) I'm here if you need me.
I was so sad to hear about Perry. Seeing him with his froggy reminds me of that story and the others you've told over the years. What a great companion he was!
You may remember me as ownedbyspencer. For some reason, I was unable to reset that account, so I created a new one-- fitting perhaps, since Spencer has been gone more than three years now. I still miss him and he lives on in my heart, as I know Perry will live on in yours. They're never here long enough, but we never forget them. I do hope Perry finds his way to your husband... and sends another companion (or two?) your way.
replied to LifewithAva on last edited by
You may remember me as ownedbyspencer. For some reason, I was unable to reset that account, so I created a new one-- fitting perhaps, since Spencer has been gone more than three years now. I still miss him and he lives on in my heart, as I know Perry will live on in yours. They're never here long enough, but we never forget them. I do hope Perry finds his way to your husband... and sends another companion (or two?) your way.
I am sure Alex could help you reset to OwnedbySpencer... but yes, the new name is good.
Your comments are wonderful.. they do stay in our hearts.
replied to LifewithAva on last edited by
@LifewithAva said:
You may remember me as ownedbyspencer.
Yes, I certainly do. I like your new name. It's certainly appropriate. :)
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I am "adjusting" to my new situation. So much of my life has revolved around Perry it is hard to get used to him not being here. Other than the six months between losing Sunny in 2006 and adopting Perry in 2007, I have never been without a Basenji since 1975. Forty years of Basenji company has left me with many fond memories. I am not sure what the future will bring, but at my age I am hesitant to adopt another dog. Certainly not a puppy. Possibly, when the time is right, a rescue.
Yes, so much of our lives are built around them, and their absence leaves a big hole. When you're ready, I hope the right dog finds its way to your door. Too many dogs need love and a good home, and you have too much to give to be dogless for long. I don't know if it's true that dogs keep us young, but they certainly keep us busy!
LifewithAva does fit me now. I'm sure she would consider it her due. :)
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
Thank you, Debra!
@eeeefarm So sorry to read about Perry. Knowing you only via this forum, I just know that he had a beautiful time while he was with you and your husband in his time. Just like Debra said, one will find her or his way to you when the time is right. Peace to you at this time, never is easy but gets gentler with time....
So sorry for your loss Perry, as you know I just lost mine this week and just the thought makes me sob. I hope you are hanging in there. Definitely rescue another one if the chance comes up. I'm hoping to do the same.
replied to eeeefarm on last edited by Nancy Berry
@eeeefarm Perry is beautiful & my Darla looked so much like him! I also live alone but I have to have another Senji, you should too!! I've got my fingers crossed for you that an older one will soon fill that empty space in the house! You're an awesome lady & "awesomeness" will come your way! ;
@nikolitak said in Perry 2003 - 2016:
@eeeefarm Im so sorry about your loss of Perry. Did you adopt him from Jan Bruner? If so, we adopted Perry's brother, Leo from Jan.
Yes, Perry came from Jan. We had lost Sunny in July of 2006, and in December I got an e-mail from Tamu's breeder, "Basenji looking for a good home". Well, I made the mistake of looking at pictures and was hooked. How is Leo doing? Perry took a little time to settle in and we initially had separation anxiety issues, but he turned out to be a fabulous companion and the best, most trustworthy Basenji I have ever had in the house. Did not even rip up tissues! He was a joy and I miss him so much. When we were going through that difficult time last March I was in touch with Jan to help me with my decision. Ultimately I think I made the right choice for Perry, but it is always gut wrenching to "play God", even when you know it prevents suffering.....
@eeeefarm unfortunately we just lost Leo on the 9th of this month. He was also an excellent dog. He did like tissues but thats all he would chew. We could leave him alone in the house uncrated and he wouldnt bother anything. They were amazing pups! We got Leo from Jan when he was about 14 weeks. I believe we met Perry while we were there meeting Leo for the first time but I cant be certain. I miss that dog like crazy.