Gambit at 4 weeks
She is adorable…Happy 4 week birthday..
It is, but worth the wait. I've been buying her toys and blankets since before she was even conceived. She will have 2 weeks at home with us before the spring coursing season begins, then I hope she enjoys spending all her weekends with us in the RV as we travel around TX and OK coursing. Xander went to his first trial his 2nd week with us too and loved the interaction with all the other humans and hounds.
How interesting that we all take to different puppies. But Janneke, looks like I will have to fight you for the second from the right!
Lisa - isn't the wait hard? Hang in there. There are so many rewards coming up for you!
You already have a puppy! :p He/she has a perfect little face, so cute :)
I am BEGGING YOU stop posting puppy pictures. OMG, the utter cuteness is killing me. OMG OMG. You got it wrong, not teasing! TORTURE! Can't you just imagine the puppy breathe? You and that puppy… what a lucky pair. When do you get her?
Gambit is a real little cutie.
We hope to pick her up over Presidents day weekend if the weather is good, she will be just 9 weeks then and we have the next weekend free too in case we get a snow storm and can't make the trip.