Hopefully Babies for Langarni Basenjis.
Jennie, thinking about y'all…hope all is good..
wrote on 26 Jun 2010, 01:34 last edited by
Yes, thinking of you all and hoping all is going well. My goodness - you are getting quite the wait. But what is it that is said? "Good things come to those who wait".
wrote on 26 Jun 2010, 07:27 last edited by
Well the news here is ….................................................NOTHING :D...
She ate breakfast and lunch, and is behaving VERY normally... The only slightly exciting thing is she does have a very small amount of colostrum/milk in the bottom 4 nipples, and while Kylie has said this is a good sign, and she may whelp in the next 24 hours, somehow Im not sure Ochre is going to be 'obeying' that rule :rolleyes:;):p...
Day 61 today, and I feel like I have been 'on hold' for weeks now !!!
So much for the 2 pieces of advice Ive had... 1) Most B girls go around day 60..., and 2) Most B girls with largish litters usually go early... YEAH right !!! Ochre obviously listened to both of those, and thought, "I will teach you Mum, for getting your hopes up far too early" :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Waiting, waiting, waiting :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Oh forgot to say, that the whelping box is now done... MR Saba has done a really good job, I think its the best one he has made :-). Will take a pic of it, (and Ochre, cos the babies will still be inside !!!), tomorrow and put it up...
wrote on 26 Jun 2010, 15:31 last edited by
Oooooooooh - tomorrow we want to have puppy-pics! :D
Best wishes for the birth from Germany, too :)
wrote on 26 Jun 2010, 16:20 last edited by
So excited for you. =) Hoping all goes well!!
wrote on 26 Jun 2010, 20:11 last edited by
The wait is nearly over - can't wait to see the new puppy pics! Good and happy thoughts to Ochre - bet she is also ready to have it done!
wrote on 26 Jun 2010, 21:15 last edited by
Now the whelping box is ready - (if she approves!) Ochre may 'get on with it'.
'So much for the 2 pieces of advice Ive had… 1) Most B girls go around day 60..., and 2) Most B girls with largish litters usually go early... YEAH right !!! Ochre obviously listened to both of those, and thought, "I will teach you Mum, for getting your hopes up far too early" '
Never believe all you've been told!!!!!
I think you've got us all anxious - I click on every day hoping for the good news! (and photos!)
Come on Ochre…
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 07:45 last edited by
Still waiting, waiting, waiting…
BUT... Things might just be starting, although Im REALLY trying NOT to get my hopes up :rolleyes:...
She woke me this am with a bit of scratching around in the bedroom. She is VERY sooky, and watches my EVERY move... She only picked at breakfast, BUT ate all her lunch, (its 5.45pm here at the moment)...
She usually lies in front of the heater, but today all she has done is sleep VERY deeply, and has been on my chair all day, snoring her head off, happy to have lots of belly rubs, something she doesnt really like at all, she is very aloof !!!... Im hoping this might be the beginnings of stage 1 of the labour... Her tummy is as tight as a board today as well... I can feel lots of puppy playtime. We have taken pics of her, (and she was DISGUSTED, I can assure you ;)... Will put pics up in a few days, cos I cant do it, and Mr Saba is working tons of shifts :o
Will update as soon as things get going :)...
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 12:33 last edited by
It sounds like she is close now!! So exciting, good luck with everything!! :D
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 18:01 last edited by
Well finally Ochre has had her little babies :D:D:D
Just as the x-ray said, she has had 6 gorgeous bubbies, 2 boys, 4 girls all red/white… Mum and babies doing very well. They are all nicely marked, weights between 197-256 grams... Delivered between 11.15pm, our time, and 3.15am, so she has done a great job popping them out :)...
Im proud as punch, our first Langarni litter, even if it did seem to take so very long to finally get here ;)...
Off to catch some zzzzzzzzzz, with one eye, and both ears open too :)
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 18:07 last edited by
Yeay!!! Congrats!! Well done Ochre!!! (and humans :D)
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 18:44 last edited by
Well Done!!!!! Ochre (and I agree of course the humans to)…. nice group, 4 girls and 2 boys... Nice size (weight) range. Sounds like all when well!
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 19:13 last edited by
Congrats on the safe arrival of the babies:D
That would be my ideal size and sexes for my next litter but who knows!!
Enjoy your zzzzzz's
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 20:38 last edited by
Hooray and congratulations to Ochre and of course yourselves. How nice to have mostly girls.
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 20:47 last edited by
Congratulations, can't wait to see pics.
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 21:08 last edited by
Well done Ochre (and family!)! Once you have caught a few zzzz's, please do take some pictures as we are waiting with baited breath to see them!
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 22:09 last edited by
Wonderful news! We will anxiously await the pictures I'm sure you'll be posting soon as you and Ochre have had a rest. Good on your girl.
wrote on 27 Jun 2010, 22:18 last edited by
Excellent news - congrats! Can't wait to see the pics once you get caught up on sleep and everything. Congrats again!!! Yay Ochre!
Awesome. they are finally here ,and it sounds like they are doing wonderful..good job Ochre and humans too..now we want pictures..please?