Poll: Where Does You Basenji Sleep?
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 08:40 last edited by
Kaycee sleeps in my bed. When it's really cold and i can't find her she'll ALWAYS be found on my bed spread eagle in front of the heater. Soon i'll have two sleeping with me. The way things are going i'll end up on the sofa.LOL.
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 12:17 last edited by
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 12:45 last edited by
He would sleep in his crate and one time we let him in our room and he pee'd on the bed so back to the crate he went. After a week or so we let him rotate between my two daughters. He's happy sleeping with the kids in their beds.
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 13:06 last edited by
In the winter, both Duke and Daisy waste no time tunneling under the covers - Daisy likes to get down furthest by our feet - Duke likes to sleep a little higher up so his nose sticks out of the covers. Now that it's summer, a sheet is all we have on the bed - but Daisy moans and groans until she can get under the sheet - Which I don't like 'cause she's hot and don't desire the extra body heat in the summer.
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 22:13 last edited by
As of Monday, mine don't sleep in their individual crates any more.
As some of you know, I have been trying to solve the problem of a Basenji with extreme separation anxiety for over a year now. My Basenjis have always had their own plastic crates, and Keoki has had an ex-pen around his so that he could be "free" even while locked up. He had gotten so bad that the ex-pen was being dragged across the room while we were gone, and he'd torn his nose up on a couple of times.
We'd tried crating him with Jazzy, but he's too big for that now and she hated it.
I found an ad on Craigslist for a large wire crate for $40.00, and figured as a last ditch effort I would try the wire crate inside the ex-pen and at least he would not be able to eat any more of the crate. {I hadn't tried a wire crate just yet as I'd already sunk a few hundred dollars into the ex-pens and plastic crates and Dh was not into spending more to possibly not solve the problem. But $40.00 seemed reasonable to me :-) it's like half-price!}Well, the "crate" turned out to be very large, and both Basenjis love it!
As soon as we put it together, Keoki went in and wouldn't let Jazzy in. She kept trying to get in, and he'd sit at the gate and slap her head with his paw. LOLSo, we put BOTH dogs' beds in the wire crate, and they've been happily sleeping in it all week. When we left them alone the other day – this is when Keoki always totally wigs out -- we came home to happy pups and even the paper towels we'd left inside the crate were still intact.
So, this is their new digs; they love it. There's ample room for both their snuggly beds and still room left over to stand or play. No one is cramped. It's great. And the best part is, Keoki doesn't seem to mind too badly being left home in it.
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 22:22 last edited by
Ours have a very similar crate that they sleep in together. Congratulations on the breakthrough! Intact paper towels! Amazing!
wrote on 24 Jul 2008, 22:49 last edited by
Aww - if only they could talk, maybe this was what Keoki would have told you along time ago. :rolleyes: They look so happy - I'm so glad that you found a solution. :)
wrote on 28 May 2009, 21:52 last edited by
Sleeps in his own bed until we fall asleep and can't kick him out of our bed!
wrote on 29 May 2009, 20:57 last edited by
Three on the sofa, 3 piled up on a chair, 3 in their own beds on the floor!
wrote on 29 May 2009, 21:22 last edited by
Barley sleeps in my bed. He sits on my pillow and paws at the blankets until I lift them up for him. Then he crawls under and sleeps at me feet. Not quite sure how he breathes under there?? Any time I move in the night he makes sure to scoot over so we are still touching.
wrote on 30 May 2009, 01:14 last edited by
Heh, I dont think my B likes being under a blanket. He refuses to do so. He'd rather curl up into a ball and sleep next to my face for warmth.
When he's blowing his coat is can be a bit frustrating….
wrote on 30 May 2009, 03:04 last edited by
All 3 of my past Basenjis slept in my bed. Now with a new 7 month old it's in the crate for now.
Cody likes to sleep wherever I am. If I fall asleep doing homework on the living room floor, he curls up next to me in the bend of my knees, my side, or my chest. He prefers sleeping in the bed though. He used to sleep in the bend of my knees there (it's closer to the fan, too), but lately he has been dragging his bed into my room, letting me know he wants it on my bed so he can sleep in it as well. He's such a bed-hog though. I almost always end up on the edge of the bed, so halfway through the night, I wake up and scoot back over.
Otis sleeps in his crate at night, and it butts up against the other dogs bed, and it is within an arms lenght to our bed. In the day time he really like to make a nest with a twin comforter that I left in a heap on the office floor. All of our dogs love that heap, but Otis loves it the most, nesting on a daily basis in it.
wrote on 2 Jun 2009, 05:38 last edited by
Since Bendji came living with us he sleeps in our bedroom in his cosy, fleece lined crate with a soft teddy dog-bed in it (no no he isn't spoiled …:rolleyes:).
When we go to bed, I carry him upstairs (we have a very steep, slippery staircase ...) and when he notices his crate in our bedroom, I have to hold him firmly or he jumps out of my arms to get in it !!! He has NEVER attempted to jump onto our bed which is only a few inches away from his crate. Glad we have done this right from the start ! :) -
wrote on 2 Jun 2009, 07:00 last edited by
depending on who of the dogs is following me upstairs at night, the others stay in the living room at the sofas and in our home office at the guest-bed. 6 dogs in my bedroom would be way too much and would not leave any space for me. As they really get nasty when disturbed at night, they have decided it is more comfy to stay in "sets of two" during the nights…
Esther -
wrote on 2 Jun 2009, 12:57 last edited by
They sleep with us in bed, one under the covers at the bottom and the other on top of covers right up by the pillows between husband and I. Not sure who snores worse Dh or Eli. But love all the snuggles I get from my B's when we have the bed to are selves;).
wrote on 2 Jun 2009, 13:57 last edited by
Maya and Delilah the pug both sleep in my bed. Maya usually sleeps under the covers as close to me as she can get, or curled up on the pillow next to my head.
wrote on 2 Jun 2009, 14:04 last edited by
Shaye starts out on her bed next to my bed - around 4 or 5 she gets up onto my bed and burrows under the covers - that holds her till we get up around 6:30
wrote on 2 Jun 2009, 15:26 last edited by
It's rather comical waking up to a sighing Basenji. It's like I'm inconveniencing him for wanting to sleep past sunrise (5:30am here). Usually followed by him rolling around, on his back trying to bite my hand (playfully). Or he will put his paws in my face letting me know he will wait no longer.