@sanjibasenji I honestly fail to see HOW neutering will prevent an RTA (road traffic accident) ! Sanji will wander, or not, regardless of whether you cut him. He is a Basenji - the hunting instinct will be there, he will always be curious to find out what is the other side of the fence.
In any case, in 40 years of breeding and running a pack of up to 8 at a time, I have never found my boys even remotely interested in anything that wasn't a Basenji. Let a nubile young lady come a-visiting and BINGO ! whichever of the boys was due to get lucky - paid gigolos all - showed he knew just what was what. But when next door's Labrador or the Spaniels across the road came in season, they came and told me, but it wasn't really a matter of interest to them. They certainly didn't try to go walkabout.
However, if you MUST do it, sweat it out until he is three at the very least. Sanji went to live with you far too early and has a lot of catching up to do. He needs to mature thoroughly, hormonally, physically and mentally, before you start cutting him to bits.
With a little luck, by the time he is three, you will see there is really no need to castrate him at all ! And he will be able to live out his potential as nature intended he should.