wrote on 1 May 2011, 02:09 last edited by
Oh no! Please know that you and Zest are in our thoughts and prayers.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 03:39 last edited by
Miles and I just went to tuck Zest in for the night. She looked perkier, but still tired. I read more well-wishes and we listened to some more pod casts from NPR. (We listened to the Not My Job pod casts for some levity.) The evening shift was just as nice and friendly as the early shift, so that was nice to meet those people. In reading about this HGE, it seems much is a mystery. Everything I've read has pointed to it NOT being contagous, so that's a relief. At any rate, continued prayers, good vibes, etc are still appreciated.
Once she's done with her hospital visit, she will be on a special diet for a little while before we introduce her regular food.
this website info seems to be inline with what the hospital is telling me.Thank you so much! Your notes of caring really seem to cheer her (and me) up!
wrote on 1 May 2011, 04:07 last edited by
I'm glad Zest she is doing better! Nemo had this years ago. It was very scary but he turned around pretty quickly after getting IV fluids and an overnight stay at the vet.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 05:24 last edited by
I am so glad she is feeling better. Being home will certainly cheer her up, and you too. I'd have freaked out… just hard to not be scared when it's your pet.
The first link you gave said about 10 to 15 percent recurs, so at least MOST never are bothered again. My only experience with it was a friend's dog, who also had Von Willebrand disease (a bleeding or lack of clotting disease) and they felt it was related to that.
I'm so glad Zest is feeling better! I'm sending out happy thoughts for a speedy recovery so she will be home soon.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 10:30 last edited by
Oh my.. what a scare! Glad to hear she's doing a bit better already.. We're sending positive thoughts your way!
wrote on 1 May 2011, 12:29 last edited by
Thanks for the update, so glad Zest! is better, I'm sure you feel better too!
oh, Kim..I am so sorry to hear of Zest..praying she regains her strength and kicks this in the butt…keep us posted if you have the energy.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 16:15 last edited by
Thanks so much everyone! those good thougths/prayers ARE working and we anticipate she'll be home around lunchtime. She will need a bland diet for a while, but we ARE planning for a complete recovery. I'll post again when she's home.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 16:18 last edited by
That's good news! How scary for the both of you to go through this! Continued good health, and I will think of the both of you often today.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 18:06 last edited by
Healing thoughts for you all. Scary.
wrote on 1 May 2011, 19:35 last edited by
Hoping for a quick recovery
wrote on 1 May 2011, 19:46 last edited by
Okay, she's home now! YEA! She will be on a bland diet for almost a week, but then we can start introducing her normal food. Of course she managed to charm everyone in the place, but I told them I hoped we did NOT see them again. So much for doing soemthing fun with the tax rebate. Oh well. She does need to go to her regular vet for a quick blood test on Monday and maybe later in the week, but at least she gets to sleep in the bed with me tonight!
wrote on 1 May 2011, 20:46 last edited by
So glad to hear that she is home and recovering!!! That is super news….
wrote on 1 May 2011, 23:29 last edited by
I am so glad she is home!
wrote on 5 May 2011, 18:31 last edited by
Wow…glad to read that everything is going to be okay. Best wishes to you guys!
wrote on 5 May 2011, 23:28 last edited by
thanks everyone! her blood work looked normal on Monday and today we're going from 4 feedings to 3, so that will be sad for her. I'd say she's about 90% or so back to normal. Tuesday, however, Pearl-petual Motion the crazy malinois threw up blood so she spent Tues at our regular vet's for observation. She was normal there - no vomit, no diarrhea. Except I swear she did not recognize me when I picked her up 8 hours later. Anyone else read Simple Dog Goes for a Joy Ride?
I really did not write that, but I think Simple dog is a close (very close) relative of Pearl. Pearl's hobbies include spinning, ball chasing and destroying toys. -
wrote on 5 May 2011, 23:42 last edited by
Except I swear she did not recognize me when I picked her up 8 hours later. Anyone else read Simple Dog Goes for a Joy Ride?
I really did not write that, but I think Simple dog is a close (very close) relative of Pearl. Pearl's hobbies include spinning, ball chasing and destroying toys.yes! love that blog! and, wow, it must be very trying to live with a dog like that, but hilarious, too!