Miles: A Rescue
Happy Holidays from my pack to yours.
You have the most photogenic dogs I have ever seen!
:) awww, thanks! the secret is… if you take a million photos of your dogs, you will eventually get some good ones. ;)
Been there done that, thank goodness for digital… I used to spend a fortune on film and getting them developed! But those are great pictures
I must be crazy… I just bought a 16x20 of Miles! And an 11x14 of Lexi!! :eek: (Dogster has teamed with Shutterfly - the 16x20 was free, but still... the one I got of my human nephews is only a 5x7!)
:p It's true... I've gone to the dogs!! :D
this would look great blown up to 18"x24"
This should definitely be on a Basenji calender
awwwww so cute!
Yeah! One year adoption anniversary for Miles!! :)
Gee, I fell like I should be sending the boy a gift or something.:)
Happy one year Miles….....told you, you where gonna have the best Home and Mom and Dad..................Ever!:D
Now if only it would warm up so we could exercise him more- he's become a "deviled" Ham… He's found a new treasure chest under the bed-- he's chewed random things. That- along with about 10 pair of undies, a spool of thread, and has started eating his dolls. lol... He must now be supervised at ALL times. Oh Ham. You silly boy. Just wait till summer- you're getting run until your legs fall off! ;)
Now if only it would warm up so we could exercise him more- he's become a "deviled" Ham… He's found a new treasure chest under the bed-- he's chewed random things. That- along with about 10 pair of undies, a spool of thread, and has started eating his dolls. lol... He must now be supervised at ALL times. Oh Ham. You silly boy. Just wait till summer- you're getting run until your legs fall off! ;)
LOL…deviled ham...that's perfect! Congrats on your first year with Miles! :D I started reading that thread before I every got my B, Ruby. My how time flies! :D :D
Lexi & Miles recently took their first trip to an ISLAND!! We stayed at Bald Head Island, North Carolina this past weekend and the kids had a blast!! :)
PooPoo hates the waves!! RUN!!
The kids check out the surf…
Fun on the beach…
Blue Steele
Miles eating sea grass.
My kids are supermodels. ;)
Miles was actually called a bad@ss by another dog owner on the beach!! LOL
Happy Endings.
Great photos! Where did you stay on the NC island? We area always looking for good dog friendly cabins/hotels and beaches to take our 3. We are in Florida, but there are very few places where you can have dogs on the beach, especially off leash. Looks like your had fun, and you got some great photos.
Anne in Tampa