Miles: A Rescue
For Christmas, we did a Secret 'Senji Santa exchange with a group of our favorite pals on Dogster… The kids got to open their presents this morning... :) (Please ignore the mess and pjs)
Putting Miles's new collar on…
And what's this? Buddy Biscuits?
Ham really enjoys his biscuits. :) (He looks like a puppy here!)
…And now for Lexi's gift! What is it Poo Poo??
You're right; two heads are better than one.
Mmm… Rawhides! Laser Pointer, Toys, & treats--OH MY!
Happy Holidays from my pack to yours.
You have the most photogenic dogs I have ever seen!
:) awww, thanks! the secret is… if you take a million photos of your dogs, you will eventually get some good ones. ;)
Been there done that, thank goodness for digital… I used to spend a fortune on film and getting them developed! But those are great pictures
I must be crazy… I just bought a 16x20 of Miles! And an 11x14 of Lexi!! :eek: (Dogster has teamed with Shutterfly - the 16x20 was free, but still... the one I got of my human nephews is only a 5x7!)
:p It's true... I've gone to the dogs!! :D
this would look great blown up to 18"x24"
This should definitely be on a Basenji calender
awwwww so cute!
Yeah! One year adoption anniversary for Miles!! :)
Gee, I fell like I should be sending the boy a gift or something.:)
Happy one year Miles….....told you, you where gonna have the best Home and Mom and Dad..................Ever!:D
Now if only it would warm up so we could exercise him more- he's become a "deviled" Ham… He's found a new treasure chest under the bed-- he's chewed random things. That- along with about 10 pair of undies, a spool of thread, and has started eating his dolls. lol... He must now be supervised at ALL times. Oh Ham. You silly boy. Just wait till summer- you're getting run until your legs fall off! ;)
Now if only it would warm up so we could exercise him more- he's become a "deviled" Ham… He's found a new treasure chest under the bed-- he's chewed random things. That- along with about 10 pair of undies, a spool of thread, and has started eating his dolls. lol... He must now be supervised at ALL times. Oh Ham. You silly boy. Just wait till summer- you're getting run until your legs fall off! ;)
LOL…deviled ham...that's perfect! Congrats on your first year with Miles! :D I started reading that thread before I every got my B, Ruby. My how time flies! :D :D
Lexi & Miles recently took their first trip to an ISLAND!! We stayed at Bald Head Island, North Carolina this past weekend and the kids had a blast!! :)
PooPoo hates the waves!! RUN!!
The kids check out the surf…
Fun on the beach…
Blue Steele
Miles eating sea grass.
My kids are supermodels. ;)
Miles was actually called a bad@ss by another dog owner on the beach!! LOL
Happy Endings.