Miles: A Rescue
Well, if I hadn't broken my stupid sewing machine, I could show you a lot more!! But THANK YOU!! :)
And it's true- Lexi is quite the princess and the pea. You should see when I try to tuck them in at night… Miles usually gets to the "good" bed first. Lexi really HATES the other bed and will just stare at Miles lying in the cozy oval. And she waits and waits and waits. And I'm like, "PooPoo... he's not going to move. You either need to try to squeeze in or lie in the other one. Look, I have your chenille pillow and fleece throw to make it nicer." And she still insists on trying to squeeze in with Miles. And he of course isn't having it. So she eventually goes to the other bed and spends half an hour trying to make it "suitable". All the while I'm holding the bigger, velour-fleece blankie over them waiting for her to find her perfect spot so I can tuck them in. That is until I save up enough to buy them their own heated memory foam bed.
Renaultf1-let's be real…BDawgs pooches can't wear Swarovski Crystals...uh Lexi would only wear Tiffany Diamonds lol :D :D :D
Bdawg-I LOVE the heart collars :) I can't believe you made them yourself WOW :eek: you are a good!!!
I know…what was I thinking ;) ...sheesh, should be diamonds, of course...:D :D
Did your Bs terrorize your cat? I have one cat now, (had to put 19yr. old one down this summer) and Sahara will not leave her alone. She is an outside cat, and only sleeps in our garage when it gets cold, like now. My washer and dryer are out in the garage and it is a struggle to keep Sahara out of there when I open the door, my hands are busy carrying clothes basket. It drives me crazy, Sahara has a strong desire to bother my cat, she is so jealous, and also loves to chase the cat when it has had enough. My cat will stay most of the day in my neighbors yard just behind the underground electric fencing for safety. Thank God my neighbor likes my cat.
Lexi got particularly jealous of Oscar. She'd bring out ALL her toys and get really hyper. When I'd pet Oscar, she'd come over and put her feet up in the air and then whack him between the ears. But that's how she tries to play. If you can't beat em, join em, right? ;)
She'd talk to the cat and give him little neck bites (the kind where she only uses her front teeth and pulls her lips back) and Oscar would just purrrrrrr. He was very tolerant of his little crush's crazy behavior. ;) But Miles & Lexi never terrorized the cat. He really liked them. Not once did he ever bow his back, hiss, or try to scratch anyone. I will miss him tremendously. I think it was good exposure for Lexi too. She usually goes NUTS for kitty cats!
For Christmas, we did a Secret 'Senji Santa exchange with a group of our favorite pals on Dogster… The kids got to open their presents this morning... :) (Please ignore the mess and pjs)
Putting Miles's new collar on…
And what's this? Buddy Biscuits? So cute!
Ham really enjoys his biscuits. :) (He looks like a puppy here!)
…And now for Lexi's gift! What is it Poo Poo??
You're right; two heads are better than one.
Mmm… Rawhides!
For Christmas, we did a Secret 'Senji Santa exchange with a group of our favorite pals on Dogster… The kids got to open their presents this morning... :) (Please ignore the mess and pjs)
Putting Miles's new collar on…
And what's this? Buddy Biscuits?
Ham really enjoys his biscuits. :) (He looks like a puppy here!)
…And now for Lexi's gift! What is it Poo Poo??
You're right; two heads are better than one.
Mmm… Rawhides! Laser Pointer, Toys, & treats--OH MY!
Happy Holidays from my pack to yours.
You have the most photogenic dogs I have ever seen!
:) awww, thanks! the secret is… if you take a million photos of your dogs, you will eventually get some good ones. ;)
Been there done that, thank goodness for digital… I used to spend a fortune on film and getting them developed! But those are great pictures