Do try letting him sleep with you, rather than crating him - mine would not stand for crating, screamed her head off, did her business where she was and outside the crate, broke puppy teeth - when I just let her go to bed with me (a walk before bedtime is a must for emptying), she was just fine and never made a mess. We got up and walked her, and there's been no probem. As to the separation anxiety he is exhibiting, he is still a little guy, and you have to be patient with the crating, I understand. We never did solve that problem, some dogs just can't be crated. All the problems, crating, separation anxiety, destruction, went away when we got her a companion. Some basenjis just can't deal with being alone. BUT many do, and well, so take the advice of those who have successfully overcome the problems, but don't feel like a failure if it's you who have to adjust.