Yep she does and I LOVE it :)… Im very lucky that it is also sitting on her showside as well. None of the others do, they are all off showside !!! Its not as tight as Saba's, but its great anyway 🙂
Oakley-Lots of pics
He looks like such a soft, silky puppy…
So much fun
What a cutie:) looking forward to meeting him on Friday!!
What a sweet baby like that yellow collar and the blue coat looks great on your baby. Looks like there are lots of fun days ahead.
Rita Jean
What a sweet face. That last picture is the spitting image of my Indy as a puppy. Thanks for posting them. Look forward to seeing more (and more…and more...)
Oh my, i am really starting to believe i need a puppy, or two, or . . .
puppy, puppy, puppy…
very cute -
We had a very cold day and he needed a sweater to go outside..hence the equafleece. Funny thing, I was going to name him Indy!
Utterly adorable.
I LOVE the name Oakley. As he grows, he can be known as the 'mighty Oak'.
Just keep those pics coming - love them!