• How many of you have several female Basenji's in your house and if you do how do they get along?

  • Depends on the bitches…. as they say, it works till it doesn't. If you have a "dominate wantabe" you will usually have problems.. and typically "several" bitches usually doesn't work. I have had up to 4 bitches, one being the "wantabe" and would challenge my oldest all the time to the point that I did place her. The three that I had, two of the bitches were very confident bitches and felt no need to challenge. The third was the daughter of the oldest bitch and understood and accepted her place in the pack. All that said, it is not something that I would recommend as usually when bitches fight you can not get them back together.

  • I could bore you with details but I'll be brief.

    I lived with heII from due to Sayblee's aggression toward other dogs until she died. She was my heart dog, utterly loved and loving to me. But she tried for 5 yrs to eat the 70 pound chow, once even took on the 90 pound Rottweiler (only once, thank goodness, because running 3 packs would have been beyond belief). She got her championship last major with stitches in her head (judge said, I kid you not, "Nice stitches!")

    I could have them in my bedroom together as long as I was there but I actually had to pin the bed covers to end of bed to make SURE if she got up at night I knew and was alert to avoid issues.

    The chow was velcro, could not have made her sleep elsewhere. (she was a rescue, actually chow/coyote mix and once she actually had Sayblee by the stomach as I jerked her up. I knew she was going to gut her right there in my arms, but when I yelled NO she spit her out without even a mark.) The only reason Sayblee survived is both the Chow and Rottie had no desire to hurt her, just merely to get her off them. I couldn't bear to place Sayblee and placing Katana, the chow/coyote, was really not an option. So I coped.

    Then, at 6 she had a fight with Arwen and they could only go out under direct supervision after that.

    When I spayed her I got a lot of flack from the breeder and a few other breeders. But my contract was to show her, not breed. She was utterly over the top dog aggressive, going window to window tracking the neighbor's loose mini dachshund. I told them if she EVER got loose, there was no way we would get her off before she killed him. Fortunately they gave the dog away before a car or Sayblee got him. Breed her and pass that on? Not responsible. I don't care how normal dog aggression is in the breed, she was insanely obsessed and should not have passed that on.

    Arwen never wanted to be top dog. Cara has no desire shown to lead. Hopefully they will live happily together forever. But right now I won't even bring in a foster for fear of changing things. And I always tell people, you get a new dog, you do it knowing one day you may have to keep separated for life. It happens. Can't risk it? Keep the dog or pack you have now because it can change in a blink.

  • @tanza:

    Depends on the bitches…. as they say, it works till it doesn't.

    +1 on this. I have 2 bitches and 2 males. My 2 bitches (one a 5yo adult (Ruby), the other came in as a puppy, Aaliyah) were together 15 months before they had a knock down drag out fight. I never tried to get them back together as I would never trust what could happen if I was out of sight of them after that. Not to mention, for at least 3 months after Aaliyah took out Ruby, she pretty much hated any R&W basenji she saw (Ruby is r&w - Aaliyah is brindle). I never had it in my heart to go there again as the Ruby got several bad bites - as did I from Ruby - Aaliyah didn't get a scratch. I added my 2nd male after the fight and now run 2 packs.

    I know someone else who had 2 bitches together 6 years and then they fought and could no longer be together.

    Unless you have a plan on how to run 2 packs and keep them separated if there is a problem, I would only recommend having opposite sex pairs. In my case, I went in with my eyes wide open and knew it was possible/probable the day would come the girls wouldn't get along.

    So yes, it works until it doesn't.

  • i agree with the "it works till it doesnt" comments. Tilly my older basenji is extremely dominant - non agressive - as long as every other dog near her knows its place! Thankfully her daughter (now 11 months old) is very much a follower rather than a leader, and we have had no issues at all.
    We have even had other basenjis come to visit, and Tilly made sure very early on that they accepted her as boss, and was then happy to play.

    Both my dobermanns and Tilly's son Alfie are also happy for Tilly to lead the pack. But if i tried to bring another bitch into the pack i could easily forsee problems. I have in the past ran two separate packs of dogs (two male dobes who hated each other) - luckily i had the space to do this, but it is not ideal, and i have no wish to do so again if i can help it.

  • @Elscodobermann:

    I have in the past ran two separate packs of dogs (two male dobes who hated each other) - luckily i had the space to do this, but it is not ideal, and i have no wish to do so again if i can help it.

    I couldn't agree more - it is definitely not ideal. I have the space and it is doable, but it takes time and organization - and money.

    It definitely takes commitment and needs to be a serious consideration if going with same sex pairs.

  • Totally agree on Pat's 'works until it doesn't!

    I made the the mistake of putting two bitches in pup at the same time. These bitches had always been the closest of friends until after the pups were born and one puppy got too far from her mother and startd squealing - both bitches went to help and chaos ensued - both badly bitten and eventually had to be separated permamently. Unless you have facilities to do this please don't be complacent.

    Basenji bitches will fight to the death, I do know from some other peoples experiences and so I'd advise never to take chances when they don't get on.

  • Three times we have brought in a young (spade rescue) female when we have had an older female, and we have been very lucky. First was a puppy, and they all grew into a family. Then we got a 2 year old submissive girl when we had a 4 year old, a bit of snarking off and on over the years but they snuggled together more than they snarked. Then when we had a 14 year old female and a young male we got a 2 year female old rescue, the two girls bonded really well and were always close.
    It truly depends on the personalities. I don't think I could bring another female home, Nicky is Queen of the Universe!

  • Thanks for the info everyone, that helped a lot!

  • Totally agree with Pat. I have two intact female B's. They are NOT the best of friends and have to be watched constantly. They are never alone together. Yes, they've gotten into knock-down drag-out fights. I've been in the ring with slit throats, chewed up ears, scabs, etc. Not a good idea at all. I can control it simply because I watch them constantly and when they start to show signs of aggression, one goes into the crate. But it's not easy, it's stressful on everyone, and I really don't recommend it.

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