• Who is going to the club show on Saturday. I'm hopefully going to watch ( of course, more is the pity lol !!! ).

    Hope to see some of you there x

  • I shall be there with Pip, it would be nice to meet you.

  • we will be there with our trio - come up and say hello!

  • No:(

    Good luck to all going:)

    Will be curious to see what sort of entry he has though!!

  • We're not going.

    I believe he has an entry of around 46?? Stuart was telling me at SKC.

  • @Benkura:

    We're not going.

    I believe he has an entry of around 46?? Stuart was telling me at SKC.

    More than I thought he would, but then the time he did us not many there to see his judging style:p

  • We're entered…. I am not going to my horses grading on the same day - opted for the club show but i fear that might have been a mistake. We had a pretty good chance of going Best in Show with the horse now i've heard what is entered this year lol! I always manage to make the wrong decision on these things!

    The judge gave Maya a BPIS... so i fully expect to not even get placed :rolleyes:

  • I don't enter at any BCGB show as I don't approve of the Officers on the committee showing, however I do try to support the shows as I've been a member for more years than I care to think about! After all it is our premier club. Unfortunately I'm unable to attend this time. I wish you all every success.

  • @Benkura:

    We're not going.

    I believe he has an entry of around 46?? Stuart was telling me at SKC.

    There were 46 entered at Richmond, are you sure he didn't mean there?

    Hanneke is over here showing at the moment so she has bumped the entry up!

  • It was definitely BCOGB Stuart was talking about. We were discussing the judge. The entry is 40 something. I too was quite surprised at so many entries.

  • Is this the first time he has judged the breed at a club show ? will watch his style lol !!!!!

    Will come and say hello to you all if I can put the names to the faces lol !!!! especially you Scott as I missed you at Windsor !!!!!

    Haven't entered Cooper for NFC so not allowed in, but he'll be with me and the OH and the rest of the gang outside for a meet and greet lol. Oh how I wish !!!!

    Wishing all of you the best of luck xx

  • @Scoops:

    Will come and say hello to you all if I can put the names to the faces lol !!!! especially you Scott as I missed you at Windsor !!!!!

    Dont know how you managed that - i am pretty easy to spot lol:D

  • Yah, but I didn't have my glasses on lol !!!!!!!!:D

  • @Scoops:

    Is this the first time he has judged the breed at a club show ? will watch his style lol !!!!!

    Will come and say hello to you all if I can put the names to the faces lol !!!! especially you Scott as I missed you at Windsor !!!!!

    Haven't entered Cooper for NFC so not allowed in, but he'll be with me and the OH and the rest of the gang outside for a meet and greet lol. Oh how I wish !!!!

    Wishing all of you the best of luck xx

    When he judged Maya he was fine with her and wasnt directly rude or anything, but very abrupt and not a nice, friendly judge as i usually like! He was very dismissive of Maya, went over her very quickly (though thoroughly) and barely looked at her in the line up, but he gave her bpis so i was very surprised!!

    Will be interesting to see what he does, but from what others have said the results may already be decided :rolleyes:

  • @Maya:

    When he judged Maya he was fine with her and wasnt directly rude or anything, but very abrupt and not a nice, friendly judge as i usually like! He was very dismissive of Maya, went over her very quickly (though thoroughly) and barely looked at her in the line up, but he gave her bpis so i was very surprised!!

    Will be interesting to see what he does, but from what others have said the results may already be decided :rolleyes:

    His rudeness was one of the things I didn't like:mad: He also spent most of his time talking to people at the side of the ring or looking in to the next ring. I actually stopped at the first corner of my triangle and waited until he was actually watching me before I continued:p
    He then dished out the RBD before BD award:eek:
    We spoke to some people ringside that had been in the ring before us and he had been on his mobile while in the ring finding out how one of his dogs had down at another show some where.
    He really couldn't have looked less interested if he tried to be honest. I just got the impression that we were just another breed to add to his list of many on his CV:rolleyes:

    I really hope his attitide has changed for the people who have entered under him. One thing he won't be able to do at the club show is watch what is going on in other rings lol

  • @basi:

    His rudeness was one of the things I didn't like:mad: He also spent most of his time talking to people at the side of the ring or looking in to the next ring. I actually stopped at the first corner of my triangle and waited until he was actually watching me before I continued:p
    He then dished out the RBD before BD award:eek:
    We spoke to some people ringside that had been in the ring before us and he had been on his mobile while in the ring finding out how one of his dogs had down at another show some where.
    He really couldn't have looked less interested if he tried to be honest. I just got the impression that we were just another breed to add to his list of many on his CV:rolleyes:

    I really hope his attitide has changed for the people who have entered under him. One thing he won't be able to do at the club show is watch what is going on in other rings lol

    He's also friends with some basenji exhibitors so i imagine he will be on his best behaviour 😉

  • I don't remember him being rude or dismissive 😞 It will be the second time I have gone under him, no I think he did an open hound show and picked up my tissue when I lost it in the ring 😃 so it will be the third, only taking the pup though and expecting nothing 😃 so wont be disappointed! It is so annoying when they don't give you the courtesy of looking at your dog, reminds me of another well known judge :rolleyes:

    It's just a nice show and more relaxed than the others and superb catering, though I am not keen on the venue.

  • @moetmum:

    I don't remember him being rude or dismissive 😞 It will be the second time I have gone under him, no I think he did an open hound show and picked up my tissue when I lost it in the ring 😃 so it will be the third, only taking the pup though and expecting nothing 😃 so wont be disappointed! It is so annoying when they don't give you the courtesy of looking at your dog, reminds me of another well known judge :rolleyes:

    It's just a nice show and more relaxed than the others and superb catering, though I am not keen on the venue.

    He wasnt rude with me and possibly appeared dismissive cos he'd already picked maya for BPIS, he spent a long time looking at the others 😃 When he called me and maya out he was very polite and said how lovely she was etc etc etc. He just had a much more businesslike manner than im used to but im told that this is quite common with overseas judges so maybe he is used to judging in other countries? Who knows, i was glad with my placings last time lol!

    I think with what happened with that certain well known judge most judges will be on their best behaviour 😉

  • I don't think Mark is ever on his best behaviour. I have stewarded for him and shown under him and know him reasonably well - he didn't even notice that my then puppy had not yet got two descended testicles (if I'm allowed to say that word!), such was his judging.

    He was extremely rude to the Dachsi exhibitors when I stewarded for him and was much more interested in chatting to his admiring followers at the ringside! A complaint was made at that show but I don't think it went further - he has many friends in high places!!

    Another interesting fact - he gave Gbala a 1st place although we weren't at the show!!!!

    Having said all that I get on quite well with him and he does show some very nice dogs.

    Sounds as though you have a good chance, Jess and Maya.

  • I've been under him 3 or 4 times (once not through choice as he was a last minute replacement). I was at the show where he awarded RBD before BD. He also didn't call the dog back into the ring - just passed the card over the tape.
    He made such a fuss of Chance last time and gave him BPIB, BD & BOS. He was showing off Chance to a few of his friends. I was really delighted that someone of his standing took an interest in little ol' me.
    At LKA that year I spoke to him to tell him how well Chance had been doing in the ring since I last saw him. I was very impressed as Chance had won an RCC & BP at WELKS, BPIS at BCOGB & BOBA and BPIS at an all breeds open show. I told him this and do you know what his reply was?

    'So what! Come back and tell me when he's a champion!!!'

    I won't waste money going under him again but I wish everyone who is going to BCOGB the very best of luck. It is usually a very nice show.

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