sorry for the lack of updates… Tucker is 95% back to normal! He's running, jumping, playing, trying to climb trees after the squirrels, etc...
his brain is fine too - he even remembers all his commands (even a few I normally don't use!).
We've done our own PT at home, walking in the yard, on hills, slowly building up to longer walks on the road, walking on uneven surfaces (couch cushions!), and Tucker has done it all, with no problems. If anything, we had to keep him from doing too much.
he has moments here and there where he's not all that "gracefull", and I don't think he'll be on an agility course anytime in the near future, but I consider his recovery a miracle - he can run, jump, play, walk and enjoy life. He very well may need some special attention when older (massage, therapy, etc) but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Tucker and I would like to thank you all, for the kind words, support, advice, and suggestions offered.