Special request Jess, can we see more pics of Sidney :D
Thanks for the cute pics of Sidney Jess, excuse my ignorance but will he stay that colour or go darker?
Maya knows how to live, tucking in to a full English :D
Did she use the fork as well? :D -
Pygmy Hedgehogs are very difficult to find here in the States. Many states have outlawed them. I can't figure out why. Unfortunately, since you're in California, they probably led the gauntlet. If you live in San Francisco, almost all "exotic" pets are outlawed.
Maya, Sidney is gorgeous! I can see in one of those photos that you've come in contact with those guard hairs a few times…the things we do for our loved pets.:D I have met several pygmy hedgehogs, but only one was albino. She was pretty, too, but Sidney takes the cake!
From a website about hedgehog ownership, "here is a list of states and counties where it is illegal to own a hedgehog: California, Georgia, Hawaii, Nebraska, New York City and Fairfax County, Virginia. A permit is required to own a hedgehog in these states: Arizona, Maine, New Jersey, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania."
Yeah, some of your states have crazy laws about pets. I have parrots also (you may have noticed!!) and it is illegal to own a quaker parrot in California. I cant work out why, they are totally harmless, not critically endangered and make fantastic pets.
I do know of several people who have "illegal" species of birds and like has been said, its just a matter of whether people find out or not :D
I just don't get why you would want something that is illegal. If someone reports you, you lose a critter you love, and the critter is put down.
Why set yourself up for that?? -
Maya is eating sausage, bacon, eggs, fried bread and black pudding
My best buddy here in GA is from the UK - I'll have to ask her if she'll fix me that for breakfast. I sent my friend the picture of Maya eating her breakfast.
The Hedgehog is darling! I've never seen one before.