Special request Jess, can we see more pics of Sidney :D
Thanks for the cute pics of Sidney Jess, excuse my ignorance but will he stay that colour or go darker?
Maya knows how to live, tucking in to a full English :D
Did she use the fork as well? :D -
Pygmy Hedgehogs are very difficult to find here in the States. Many states have outlawed them. I can't figure out why. Unfortunately, since you're in California, they probably led the gauntlet. If you live in San Francisco, almost all "exotic" pets are outlawed.
Maya, Sidney is gorgeous! I can see in one of those photos that you've come in contact with those guard hairs a few times…the things we do for our loved pets.:D I have met several pygmy hedgehogs, but only one was albino. She was pretty, too, but Sidney takes the cake!
From a website about hedgehog ownership, "here is a list of states and counties where it is illegal to own a hedgehog: California, Georgia, Hawaii, Nebraska, New York City and Fairfax County, Virginia. A permit is required to own a hedgehog in these states: Arizona, Maine, New Jersey, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania."
Yeah, some of your states have crazy laws about pets. I have parrots also (you may have noticed!!) and it is illegal to own a quaker parrot in California. I cant work out why, they are totally harmless, not critically endangered and make fantastic pets.
I do know of several people who have "illegal" species of birds and like has been said, its just a matter of whether people find out or not :D
I just don't get why you would want something that is illegal. If someone reports you, you lose a critter you love, and the critter is put down.
Why set yourself up for that?? -
Maya is eating sausage, bacon, eggs, fried bread and black pudding
My best buddy here in GA is from the UK - I'll have to ask her if she'll fix me that for breakfast. I sent my friend the picture of Maya eating her breakfast.
The Hedgehog is darling! I've never seen one before.
I have been placed several times into the position of having something that was illegal simply because while I had acquired an object legally, a law was subsequently passed making that object a crime to own.
I believe in 4th Amendment guarantee to security in my property, house, person and effects from unreasonable search and seizure as well as 5th Amendment protection against deprivation of life, liberty and property without due process. If what I own does not injure anyone else and I acquired it legally, I don't believe it is anyone's business what I have. Further, I believe that simply passing a law against something because the majority of people voting on it don't like it does not constitute due process, especially if I previously acquired that item legally.
Sheesh! When are people in this country going to learn to mind their own business!
But current residents of California who go out of state to purchase an animal they know is not legal in the state and then cross state lines with that animal are knowingly breaking the law. It is not the same as someone who owned an animal in the state and then a law was passed making ownership illegal.