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Lost my Mo

Lost and Found Basenjis
  • I went on an over night, and my Mo got out when my friend went to let him out for a break. I have called around to the animal shelter and animal control with no luck. I had an appointment next week to get him chipped because we are moving soon. I am scared that he will not be found before I have to move.

    My Mo came home on Sunday; I knew right away something was terribly wrong. His tail would not curl!!!! I took him to the vet, at first she thought it was only a fracture, but after further examinations, it was founds that he was paralyzed, I am very sad to report that I had to put my companion to sleep. The vet was surprised he made it home. Mo came into my life unexpectantly; he was an adorable stray roaming around my friend’s neighborhood. We tried for three days to find his family, in the end, I kept him. I had never heard of the bread Basenji, but I noticed that he was cat like the first day (I had previously preferred cats.) He was my little buddy and I miss his corky ways, his smelly gas, and his insanely loud snoring.

  • Oh no! Make flyers with a photo, and put them all over, in stores, street corners, anywhere you can, and at least 5 miles further than you think he might have gone.

    Put an add on Craigslist and your local paper may not charge much for 'lost dog' notices. Keep flyers (with photos) and give them to your mailperson, school kids in the area, and don't give up. There have been several basenjis lost this year that were found after more than a week, and I know of one a few years ago that was lost for a month but an add in a 'flyer' paper got her home. Have all your friends go out with you, and go door to door if you need to. Call all the vets, as someone may take him to see if he is chipped.

  • Any possibility you could spark a little interest in the local paper or tv station to do a little human interest story about your situation? It has a little bit more of a compelling nature to it since the dog is a more unusual breed and you a preparing to move. The worst that could happen is that say no.

    One of my greatest fears is that one or both of my dogs could get out and get lost.


  • Yes the best thing is to get flyers out.. and just don't stop in your immediate area…. put them every place....

  • @tanza:

    Yes the best thing is to get flyers out.. and just don't stop in your immediate area…. put them every place....

    Ditto Pat…they can run soooo far soooo fast. Marlo, hope you find your Mo. Keep us informed

  • Monday,take the flyers down to the Post office and the UPS office and hand them out to the drivers.
    They go everywhere…and might see your b.

  • So sorry to hear. Our jonny has gotten out twice. There is a giant clutching
    fear and a great helplessness. Good luck. Keep the faith!
    jonny did not go more than a block either time, and pretty much stayed in sight, and eventually let us get him. Boy was he having a great time! stinker.

  • A basenji here in Tampa was out for over a week, the media did a couple of stories on him (he was let out when they were robbed so was "newsworthy"). They also put flyers up all over. A couple out looking for their own lost dog spotted him in the rain and he came to them, they remembered seeing a flyer and contacted the owner, about 10 miles across town! Flyers, and more flyers, and much further than you think he could go!!!

  • Oh my goodness, I hope you find your baby soon. Our thoughts are with you!!!:(

  • we helped with someones lost dog put flyer in 10 block radius the lady who found her saw the flyer, just before they were leaving for out of state and almost took the friendly dog with them (major intersections with picture)

  • Hope you get you basenji back soon!

  • Keep getting the flyers out there - enlist the help of all neighborhood kids and teenagers - don't lose faith - hopefully your Mo will be back home safe and sound soon.

  • Is Mo home yet??

  • My Mo came home on Sunday; I knew right away something was terribly wrong. His tail would not curl!!!! I took him to the vet, at first she thought it was only a fracture, but after further examinations, it was founds that he was paralyzed, I am very sad to report that I had to put my companion to sleep. The vet was surprised he made it home. Mo came into my life unexpectantly; he was an adorable stray roaming around my friend?s neighborhood. We tried for three days to find his family, in the end, I kept him. I had never heard of the bread Basenji, but I noticed that he was cat like the first day (I had previously preferred cats.) He was my little buddy and I miss his corky ways, his smelly gas, and his insanely loud snoring.

  • @wizard:

    Hope you get you basenji back soon!

    Your picture is what Mo looked like.

    Thanks for all the sugestions, and support.

  • Oh Marlo, I am so sad for you - poor little Mo - companions are so lucky to find, so easy to love, so hard to lose, and impossible to forget - He is not paralyzed at the Rainbow Bridge.

  • Thank you for your kind words. Your dog looks like my Mo. He and I were so perfect together. He only wanted food, water, and love. My whole family is grieving, even my husband. I found Mo right before my husband returned from Iraq. He called two days before his scheduled arrival date, and I told him I had a present for him, a dog. I had put Mo in our bathroom, because he had already busted out of my screen window (I purchased him a name tag with phone number.) He tore up our new bathroom, I thought he was a goner, but my husband took one look at his cute face and could not be mad at him.

  • I am so, so sorry about Mo. I so hoped the outcome would be a happier one. Hugs.


  • Awww I so sorry for you and your family:(

    R.I.P Mo

  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for opening your home and hearts to Mo, I know he must have really appreciated all that you gave him.

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