Lost my Mo
Monday,take the flyers down to the Post office and the UPS office and hand them out to the drivers.
They go everywhere…and might see your b. -
So sorry to hear. Our jonny has gotten out twice. There is a giant clutching
fear and a great helplessness. Good luck. Keep the faith!
jonny did not go more than a block either time, and pretty much stayed in sight, and eventually let us get him. Boy was he having a great time! stinker. -
A basenji here in Tampa was out for over a week, the media did a couple of stories on him (he was let out when they were robbed so was "newsworthy"). They also put flyers up all over. A couple out looking for their own lost dog spotted him in the rain and he came to them, they remembered seeing a flyer and contacted the owner, about 10 miles across town! Flyers, and more flyers, and much further than you think he could go!!!
Oh my goodness, I hope you find your baby soon. Our thoughts are with you!!!:(
Keep getting the flyers out there - enlist the help of all neighborhood kids and teenagers - don't lose faith - hopefully your Mo will be back home safe and sound soon.
My Mo came home on Sunday; I knew right away something was terribly wrong. His tail would not curl!!!! I took him to the vet, at first she thought it was only a fracture, but after further examinations, it was founds that he was paralyzed, I am very sad to report that I had to put my companion to sleep. The vet was surprised he made it home. Mo came into my life unexpectantly; he was an adorable stray roaming around my friend?s neighborhood. We tried for three days to find his family, in the end, I kept him. I had never heard of the bread Basenji, but I noticed that he was cat like the first day (I had previously preferred cats.) He was my little buddy and I miss his corky ways, his smelly gas, and his insanely loud snoring.
Oh Marlo, I am so sad for you - poor little Mo - companions are so lucky to find, so easy to love, so hard to lose, and impossible to forget - He is not paralyzed at the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for your kind words. Your dog looks like my Mo. He and I were so perfect together. He only wanted food, water, and love. My whole family is grieving, even my husband. I found Mo right before my husband returned from Iraq. He called two days before his scheduled arrival date, and I told him I had a present for him, a dog. I had put Mo in our bathroom, because he had already busted out of my screen window (I purchased him a name tag with phone number.) He tore up our new bathroom, I thought he was a goner, but my husband took one look at his cute face and could not be mad at him.
I am so, so sorry about Mo. I so hoped the outcome would be a happier one. Hugs.
My thoughts are with you, I'm so very sorry for your loss.