I have been taking Captain Jack on road trips almost since I got him. He loves it, once you get going. I don't crate him, because he just screams the entire time. We have one of those seat buckles, but he can't figure out how to sit with it on without getting completely tangled up in it and the seat belt itself.
For the holidays, we drove from Boston to Atlanta. Took two days. My husband drove the whole time and I was in the passenger seat. Wouldn't you know that within the first 15 minutes of being in the car, Jack figured out how to unbuckle the seat belt? I buckled him back in once, figuring it was just a fluke. 2nd time, I was like that's bizarre, and buckled him in again. The third time, I said forget it. He rode the rest of the way in my lap, usually curled up and sleeping. My legs fell asleep with the weight, but it was totally worth it. He was so cute!
I can't believe he figured it out! I am constantly amazed by how clever and smart these dogs are.
Robin and The Captain