I am pretty sure you can't just look at a mix and declare what it is. Scientific studies have debunked that over and over. Best to do a DNA test, in my opinion. I have a mix who was advertised as a Basenji Mix, and her DNA results confirmed it. If you just looked at her and made a judgement, it would be mixed: her color was all askew, her tail was half-curled, she was smaller and featured more slender face and feet than a pure-bred B.
But, apparently, the 1/4 Min Pin (the ONLY other DNA in her sample) contributed some significant traits. Behavior and personality wise, Basenji rules the day. Again, I recommend a DNA test, and they improve by the day.
What is this other B identity thing that is mentioned in this thread? Is it also a DNA test, or something else?
Oh, and hey, your baby is way cute!
Rambo! The basenji mix
I haven't posted on here in a while so I figured it was time for some photo updates! Still unsure of what he's mixed with, but I've been stopped numerous times while walking him to be asked if he is a Basenji, which i'm confident is his primary breed. As for his age, the shelter estimated a little over 2 years old when I got him back in July of 2018. He seems to have grown since then, though, which makes me think he is younger than that, but who knows! He's a great pup and loves his new home.
He's a beautiful and handsome boy!! GREAT pics!!
Great pix! He's a cutie.
I LOVE the fly-away ears ! He'll take off any minute so hang on to him ! he's lovely -and lucky to have found you.
OMG! He is ADORABLE! Brings a smile to my face! He looks like a happy boy!
If someone can look at those pictures and not break out in a smile, something is very wrong with them. Oh my goodness is he Mr Personality or what! Thank you for updating with such great photos.
I also think he looks/acts younger than 2 1/2 but who knows. LOL Looks like everyone is having a lot of fun. He's a cutie!
@mcolombo1220 LOVE the Name! He is very lucky to have found you! Take good care of him and he will take care of you!
Great looking boy!
Hey okay so this is wild but I figured I wanted to reach out! So I rescued my pup and his siblings from Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria and we have always wondered his breed. We know his mom is a chihuahua mix but it wasn’t until today that I realized he might be mixed with Basenji. I came across your post because we were trying to see if Basenji’s were even in PR. Do you know what city your little guy was picked up in?