Oakley-emergency surgery
Oakley does have what I call "splooge"…it's an awful smell, and it happens about five times a week. My hesitation is to have his anal glands squeezed because I know once you have it done the first time, it opens the floodgates to having to do it frequently. He could benefit from it but he doesn't seem to be in pain, and I cover my couches with sheets...he doesn't scoot so I feel ok with not having it done. That's a good idea about splitting the packet; I thought about it but didn't because the directions didn't state you could (can't see why it'd hurt)..how much pumpkin are you giving Ava?
Otherwise, it's hard to get her to drink. Out of filthy puddles, yes… out of a green pond, yes... out of the toilet, from the water hose, from a discarded cup on the sidewalk,yes, yes, yes. Out of her nice clean bowl, nooooo.
Hey Ownedbyspencer….I have been introduced to Kagen water and watched many videos. I don't know about going to the extreme and buying a filter............but one of the videos hit home big time concerning our pets. Many times the water from out tap contains chlorine and flouride. With the dogs' noses being 40,000 or more sensitive to smells....{toilet water seems to throw this theory out the window or down the tubes.....! but it is 'replenished more than once a day? :)} anyway, some dogs may not like the bowl-experiment with shallower, stainless vs plastic....just an idea. Or for goodness sake, try bottled water! We do soo much for our B-critters, or, or, get an expensive porcelain and put a rose in a vase! or, or .....yikes, it is just endless isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS: might as well buy lobster and steak too!
Re: the anal gland issues. Why not just empty them yourself when you notice the dog scooting? That's what I have done for years, and it isn't hard. Get your vet or any groomer to show you. Might help you avoid an impacted anal gland (although that doesn't seem to be your current problem!). I've had a couple of dogs that tended to thick secretions, which can be mightily problematic! (and painful for the dog when you express them). I also had one dog prone to impaction that ended in an abscess. That taught me to pay attention!
I have a water filter on the entire house and a separate filter on the refrigerator, and I've already tried bottled water– multiple brands. And I've tried all kinds of bowls, too-- stainless, ceramic, plastic, glass, even pottery. She was fine with the bowl until recently and now she isn't! (I have not tried having a butler serve it on a silver tray to the little princess, but that's about it! Maybe she just likes to scavenge her own water?)
Like Oakley, Ava doesn't scoot; has never scooted. She doesn't lick or show discomfort. She just leaks or dumps smelly brown fluid (is that "splooge," Chealsie?), when she's relaxed, especially on someone's lap or in the bed. The last two times I had her anal glands expressed, they weren't full. She just empties them inappropriately inside. Every day. It's frustrating. And messy.
Sorry to hijack your thread, Chealsie, but everybody always has such helpful info and you never know what Oakley might come up with next. Oakley and Ava collect health and behaviorial issues, like Girl Scout badges! Between the two of them, they seem to have it all.
Oh, and I give Ava a couple teaspoons of the pumpkin in the AM and PM. I add water to it to make a thick sauce or gravy and mix in her vitamins and other supplements, and she laps it right up, thank goodness. I add an omega 3 softgel in the AM to make her meal smell more appetizing, since she's not an eager morning eater. Works like a charm. So far. Has Oakley put on more weight?
Bottled water is not cleaner than the average tap water. Doubt it… look up legit research.
Distilled water is of course clean and NOT recommended for drinking on regular basis. We use a heavy duty water filter (not the "removes taste and chlorine type) for us and dogs including all cooking.Cara got ruptured anal glands from refusing to poop in rain. They expressed her anal glands after that about 3 or 4 times, never since and it has been almost 2 yrs. If your dog needs it done while working out the right food, just do it, really. And belated happy birthday!
Cody would need them expressed from time to time and did abscess once. He would scoot in the house leaving fun brown stripes on the floor. @_@ Luckily Elliot has been fine so far.
They were not a constant problem though.. my current golden retriever does have issues and when she's uncomfortable she rips the hair off her bottom.If we have a dog come in to the hospital with chronic issues we will offer to do an anal gland flush. The dog is sedated and the doctor literately flushes out the glands and infuses them with ointment. I hate when we have to do it because it's a huge mess!
One of mine scoots and licks when she needs expressing, but she rarely leaks/"splooges". My male, however, may scoot or lick, but I tend to do his at least every one to two months because he is prone to expressing them when he gets scared or startled – much like a skunk. I'd rather express his anal glands than deal with the "squirt" mess.