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God answered my prayers. Pic overload

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  • Well i have officially been blessed with a Basenji. I estimated about a year or two old. He has his adult canines and some beautiful teeth with no wear. I'm guesstimating around 17lbs. He isn't neutered and was really dirty. My boyfriend found him running around outside of our boarding facility. He knew I had been wanting a Basenji and he had been with me to a dog show to meet a breeder so he knew how they acted. He called me up and told me he had found a basenji, I didnt believe him until I saw the dog. He is much smaller than a normal Basenji so I wasn't sure if he was some kind of rat terrier mix but the more and more I am around this dog the more and more i think he's a B.

    Ive been on this website for a good year or two now and I love looking at the pictures and watching all the videos and of course reading the stories. So i'll go ahead and share some of the mannerisms and you guys can let me know what yall think :)

    He definately jumps and plays his paws on your legs like most b's do.
    The only sounds I've ever heard from him is baby barks at my rabbits when they move and a howl/yodel im not sure lol it wasnt a bark for sure
    He HATED! me giving him a bath and walking in the light rain on our short walk from the car to the pet store
    When he finally got to my apartment he was so excited and um basically rolled pretty much front flipped in between Dante's lap
    He also loves looking out the window I'm not sure if thats Basenji like but he loved it so much he will scratch at the mini blinds until they open. He also tried to walk on the window sill.
    And When he gets frustrated he gets mouthy lol

    Now for pictures :D

    Dante and The new Boy

    Dante is a Ham lol

    him trying to get to my bunny

    i cant get to the bone :(

    I got it :)

    Ive also heard about their pads looking like hearts so i took a pic

    But there is a problem. He has a strong hunting will and cannot leave my rabbits be. This is a huge problem with my mother and me. My rabbits stay in wire cages outside and are never left to run around unattended. He will jump on the outside cages and nip the rabbits/wire to make them run around the cage. I keep one of my rabbits in my apartment and probably a bad idea but i tried to let him sniff the bunny but grabbed Rockys leg with his mouth. He has jumped on the table my rabbits cage is on twice. Would a spray bottle work the best or do you think he could ever curb his urge?
    ANND would this urge be transferred when he formally meets my cat?

    Im going to wait a week to see if any one says anything to the clinic or petlodge before I neuter but if Owners dont come up hes getting chopped

  • He is cute, I would say maybe a rat terrier mix, but for sure there is Basenji there….

    As far as the rabbits??? I would say you are in for a long haul. The prey instinct is really strong in many Basenjis (and rat terriers for that matter). Spray bottle I doubt would do much except for the exact moment, but not in the long term. My OJ never learn to leave the cat alone, ever.....

  • He looks at least 80-90% basenji with maybe a bit of "rat" too (but could be full basenji) and a strong prey drive is hard to change. Especially if he has been wild for awhile, hunting to survive, those rabbits are 'Sunday dinner' to him likely to remain so.

    Cats: will depend on the cat. A very confidant dog savvy cat (with human back-up) can teach a dog to respect them, but a 'fraidy-runner' will be another prey animal to a hunter.

    He is just darling, good luck with your little hunter.

  • He is lucky he found you. IMO, you need to keep all soft critters away from a dog with this strong of prey drive.

  • very cute!

    as far as rabbits go, i'd suggest if you're going to keep the rabbits, that they are in a cage behind a closed door - or two closed doors. personally, i'd love to have a bunny for a pet, but i just don't see having a bunny and a basenji.

  • @Whoalookitsme:

    He has jumped on the table my rabbits cage is on twice. Would a spray bottle work the best or do you think he could ever curb his urge?
    ANND would this urge be transferred when he formally meets my cat?

    Even Basenjis who have been raised with cats can't always resist the urge to chase them, even if they have lived together their whole lives. Rabbits….I wouldn't risk it. The tempation is just too strong for most Basenjis to be able to control themselves.

    Im going to wait a week to see if any one says anything to the clinic or petlodge before I neuter but if Owners dont come up hes getting chopped

    Most newspapers will let you place a found ad for free. Putting up some Found Dog posters in the area would also be a good idea. Most vet clinics and shelters will scan the dog for a microchip for free. Someone may be missing him terribly right now and may not know how to find him.

  • Thank you everyone for the input. I have been on BRATs waiting list and I just found out they chose CB(the dog i was inquiring about) a home. So I couldnt believe when my boyfriend found this little man.

    As far as the rabbit he has done really well as the day has gone on. No more jumping and he just sat on the bed watching him anytime he was interested. Im actually proud and surprised. Well just see how he acts towards the rabbits in the backyard. Rocky is at least high enough to where he has to do a little more work to get to him.

    He did really well in his new crate too. I think he likes having his own bed. But he is definitely a darter. I have to grab him most of the time someone wants to walk out. Im not sure if that the Basenji or the stray in him.

    We scanned him. I did that before I was going to take him home and no chip found. He has been doing this light cough. Ive seen kennel cough plenty of times and he does it at all the wrong times. He did it when I would pull on the slip leash so I got him a harness. Then he would still do it when he wanted to go to far and the leash would stop him. Or just when he would walk around. My roomate told me to be ready for anything which could mean heartworm positive. If he is heartworm positive I would not want to give him back to whoever lost him. Not being neutered and heartworm positive is doing nothing for the dog.

    If this guy really acts like a Basenji does It is the CUTEST THING EVER!! I never realized they were this adorably mischievous in real life! I cant get over it and I laugh at him all the time.

  • I'm happy that you found a dog to your liking (never seen a b with so much white on him - looks cute) but it does concern me that your boyfriend found him wandering. If I were the previous companion of theat dog I'd be frantic looking for my lost dog (and they can wander far). Please post notices and ads before you become too attached.

  • ok i called the vet clinic and put up a found dog sign. My boyfriend eric works at the boarding facility so he can tell me if anyone comes in. Ill ask him to put up signs around the neighborhood and maybe at the shops around the street we found him. Im taking him to the vet today to get examined and heartworm tested and his rabies if well enough.

  • @Whoalookitsme:

    He has been doing this light cough. Ive seen kennel cough plenty of times and he does it at all the wrong times. He did it when I would pull on the slip leash so I got him a harness. Then he would still do it when he wanted to go to far and the leash would stop him. Or just when he would walk around. My roomate told me to be ready for anything which could mean heartworm positive. If he is heartworm positive I would not want to give him back to whoever lost him. Not being neutered and heartworm positive is doing nothing for the dog.

    Certainly have him tested for heartworm, but regardless of the outcome of that test, you should also have him tested for Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis)…it's a simple blood test. Valley Fever is endemic to the Southwest, including Texas...your vet should know about it.

    Valley Fever in Dogs

  • @wizard:

    I'm happy that you found a dog to your liking (never seen a b with so much white on him - looks cute) but it does concern me that your boyfriend found him wandering. If I were the previous companion of theat dog I'd be frantic looking for my lost dog (and they can wander far). Please post notices and ads before you become too attached.

    Really have to 2nd that… call vets, and the shelter. Much as you want him, someone else is probably desperately searching for their beloved pet.

  • @Whoalookitsme:

    I would not want to give him back to whoever lost him. Not being neutered and heartworm positive is doing nothing for the dog.

    Please don't judge a found dog's current condition as an indicator of how it's owner cared for it. Many, many years ago I had a dog break away and get lost at a dog show. I frantically searched for him for a week. Long stort short, when I got him back he had lost 20% of his body weight, his paw pads were worn thin and raw, he had a tiny bit of skin peeled away on his leg, and his coat was dull. All that had happened in only one week. All I can think of is what if someone had found him in that condition, and yes he was intact, and decided that I was a bad owner and shouldn't get him back? I'm just grateful that didn't happen. That dog, by the way, later became an AKC champion.

  • He sure looks a lot basenji even if he isn't 100%. I'd keep the bunnies where he can't get them - the basenji prey drive never goes away. The cat though, can probably teach him his place - at least my cat sure has, because the b's quickly learned scratches on their noses hurt! You are lucky if all he does is paw the mini-blinds. In our house, Shaye totally tore up four in one afternoon trying to see out while we were gone - now they are all halfway up, all the time! The ones behind the couch are all the way up since the girls lay on the back of the couch, and they decided my sheer curtains are enough of a hinderance, the blinds had to go. So much for privacy! LOL

  • I'm sorry for my judgemental statement. Even though I highly doubt he is a showdog being that he is only 17lbs and probably mixed with something else. Houston is notorious for backyard breeders. I told three of the surrounding vet clinics i know of that i found a dog and to call me if anyone matches the description. He got heartworm tested and is thankfully negative. He does have kennel cough though so doc rx'd doxy and cough tabs. Also got him a rabies tag. I'll continue calling around and leaving ads. Is a week long enough or should i give them two?

    Are basenjis clumsy sometimes? He seems to not really care what he steps on or knocks over in the apartment but when we walk he decides to balance himself on the curbs. lol I feel bad sometimes he walks around the house just looking for things to do and then finds a pillow or sheet to chew on out of frustration. Time for a walk lol

  • I can tell you mine are not clumsy… Uncaring about what they knock over, jump over, crash into... is normal course, especially when doing the Basenji 500 (which is just about 24/7)

  • Mine are very agile, even before training. Even as young pups. BUT if this dog has been in a crate or small space his entire life, he may be figuring things out (like how is legs work).

  • My B is very light-footed, agile, and careful with her steps… but every now and then, when she takes a spill (jumping up onto the couch, or jumping out of the car) it's like all feet fly in four different directions all at once and she splats hard. It sounds worse than it actually is... she picks herself right back up moments later. =)

    Your pup could just be bumping into things because it sounds like he's got a lot of energy and is getting used to his environment.

    You sound absolutely smitten, and he IS a cutie. But I agree that holding a little back until you're sure nobody else is looking for him is a good idea. Aside from vets and local shelters, you should probably scan Craigslist as well and put up a found notice for him (don't need to include pictures, but maybe a vague description so that the owner could have a chance to identify him).

    He looks a little like a suspected basenji mix at a shelter that was posted to the BRAT message lists recently... also in Texas (San Antonio). If there is nobody else to claim him, I know you'll be ready to open your heart and give all your love to this guy so that he doesn't have to end up in the shelter.

  • UPDATE: Bart de-stuffed his first toy. Good thing it was only 4bucks :) I made sure he didnt eat any of the stuffing the last thing i need is a blocked dog. Are Bs usually good about not eating what they de-stuff?

    We started calling him Bart since he's been with me for almost 5 days now I couldnt keep calling him puppy lol. My boyfriend named him Bart because thats the street we found him on. Bart Ln. Its catching on.

    Also he made his first escape! I stayed at my boyfriends house last night and his mom is adamant on No dogs in the house. Luckily Bart had Lady (his 3yr old Lab mix) to keep him company! I checked on him at least four or five times before deciding he would be okay with her loose in the backyard. I was so worried because the back yard has a small 4ft tall fence between the garage and house and i knew that wouldnt stop him. This morning I woke up to go to the bathroom and I hear howling. I was about to go back asleep until I told myself I should check on him and give him his medicine. Sure good thing I did because I couldnt find him or lady in the backyard!! I call for them and turn around to see bart standing on the top part of the fence! That little booger escaped when Erics dad took lady for a walk. I was so surprised he didnt bolt off though i was sure he would. maybe he does like me lol :)

  • With a 4 foot fence, that won't be his one and only escape from from your boyfriend's yard. You'll need to increase the height of the fence to minimum six feet if Bart is going to have to stay outside there at night, which sorry to say, I find really sad. :( I would never keep my precious basenji out all night, even with the company of another dog.

  • I didnt like him staying outside at all but i cant trust my parents to properly watch him especially since he isnt officially my dog. I was so surprised that he didnt run off seeing as how we found him as a stray i would almost be sure that he might dart and i would never see his cute face again. but he didnt he stayed in the front of the house howling until i came and called his name. His doughnut tail was wagging on top of that fence though when he saw me. I will definitely have to figure something out if he stays. It would suck if i couldnt ever sleep at his house because a dog couldnt come inside. His mom is old school mexican though and thinks thats where dogs belong.

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