We go to a dog park where a trainer goes to work with his GS and his Malinois - except that the Malinois looks a little more furry than yours, the shape and color of your dog very much resembles his. As an aside, he says his Malinois was very easy to train. (makes me embarrassed to even try to get my girls to "come" in his presence.:rolleyes:)
Tenjis action pics! (warning! lots of pics!)
Tenji running in the yard as usual. Might have posted one or two of the pics before…they're all kinda mixed up on my computer.
I spy with my little eye…a skunk!:eek:
Take a little break now and relax in the sun…
That's enough rest for now..keep going!
Wait!…theres something hiding in the trees!!:eek:
Nope it's nothing…just shake it off!
And take another break!
And go for one last run!
Great pictures! What a happy pup!
Go Tenji go! Just great pictures of a basenji enjoying life - gotta love it.