New Basenji Owner…sort of!
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 06:21 last edited by
Hello all!
Today I adopted a Basenji mix from my local shelter, who I've decided to name Loki! They think he is between 2-3 and he looks to be predominately Basenji. I've attached 2 photos so you guys can see what he looks like and judge for yourselves.
However, even though I am technically Loki's owner now, I can't take him home till after March 10th, which is when he is scheduled to be neutered. This gives me plenty of time to prepare but not much time to spend with him! I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations as to what I can do to prepare (crate size, food brand/type, and toy recommendations would all be helpful!) for him, and what I can do with him for the time being at the shelter.
Edit: Just though of another question: collar type! As you can see the shelter gave me a choke chain to take him out with but I was wondering what the general consensus is on those? Just for walks or not at all?
Welcome! Loki looks adorable, and I think you're going to have a great time with him. Thank you for rescuing this sweetie from your local shelter!
There have been a few recent, very good threads on collars: personally don't think choke chains are the way to go with Basenjis. Or really, any dog where their neck is about as thick as their head, and they have a pointed muzzle – it's much too easy for the dog to back out and slip loose from the collar. Martingale collars are the only way to go for breeds prone to shake loose from their collars, in my opinion. Check the links above for some ideas.
And please post more pictures when you get Loki home. =)
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 11:04 last edited by
Welcome! I second the martingale collar recommendation! A 200 size varikennel or equivalent is generally good for basenjis, but I can't tell how big your guy is from the photo.
Loki is a great name:)
GL with him!
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 13:40 last edited by
I agree with Kirsten that a size 200 Vari-Kennel generally is right for most Basenjis - however, with some of our bigger boys, a size 300 works better. You also might want to look at wire crates. PetMate is only offering the "Ultra VariKennel" now, and it's way lower in quality than their previous design. Also, some Bs have confinement issues in the solid sided crates that are much reduced in a wire.
As far as food, pretty much any of the premium brands are good -we try to stay away from any with wheat and/or corn as many Bs seem to be sensitive to these. So it's lamb/rice or venison/potato or something similar. Many B owners prefer grain free diets. Watch treats and cookies for wheat also - we use IAMS lamb & rice or Nutro lamb& rice chops.
Toys - you'll quickly find out if he's a shredder! Then you may find yourself picking up stuffing everywhere and constantly re-supplying him. Note that most Basenjis won't fetch and have no interest in Frisbees except to chew them. His favorite toys will be your trash can, underwear, and toilet paper.Welcome and visit him often as you can until he gets to come home!!
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 15:32 last edited by
His favorite toys will be your trash can, underwear, and toilet paper.
Isn't this the truth? lol… my basenji loves to do her chores: taking out the trash, "doing" the laundry, and of course, being the dishwasher! :)
Hopefully, the shelter will microchip your boy... otherwise, I'd highly suggest getting him chipped on your own. Many basenjis lose their forever homes because they bolt out the door and lose their way home. :(
I love his tail; it most certainly has the basenji curl... but on steroids, lol. Welcome!
Welcome onboard..Loki looks lovely.. Sounds like you got great advice already..I second the idea of visiting him often..will make transition somewhat easier once he comes home with you..
Keep us posted.. -
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 16:06 last edited by
I agree on the martingale. I also put a chain between the leash and collar to prevent the little rascals from turning their snakey heads and cutting the leash.
On crates, once crate trained I love HUGE crates… I use 500 and 700. :) So my preference is get a BIG ONE, block most while house breaking so they don't have room to potty and get out of it, then give whole thing once done.
Here is the "antichew" collar:
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 16:40 last edited by
Welcome to Sir and Loki!
Loki is a splendid looking basenji mix. How heavy is Loki? Definitely ask to have Loki microchipped. The basenji side of Loki may want to be an escape artist. Kudos to you for rescuing a dog who needs a warm, loving home.
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 22:54 last edited by
Welcome to you and Loki (Mischief huh?!). He looks from the photos to be quite big - how tall is he!? My Basenjis don't like the covered crates - they can see more from the wire ones! As to the collar - I wouldn't use a choke chain either. Mine have ordinary woven leather ones for going out- I only use the martinfgale type in the show ring.
wrote on 1 Mar 2011, 23:08 last edited by
welcome! what a handsome boy! hope he doesn't live up to his name - but with the basenji in him, he surely will!
if you use the search box at the top of the page and search for 'new puppy list' or something similar, you should see various threads on this topic and some pretty all-inclusive lists!
wrote on 2 Mar 2011, 00:06 last edited by
He is a great looking boy, and thank you for rescuing him from the shelter!
wrote on 2 Mar 2011, 00:38 last edited by
I think I'll be getting a wire crate to start off with, I definitely prefer giving him a more open area. Luckily, the shelter includes microchipping in the cost of adoption, so I won't have to worry about that. I don't know off the top of my head how tall/heavy he is but I will let you guys know after his trip to the vet!
Good to know the opinions on choke chains, I will definitely be avoiding them!
I went to see him again this morning and I think we are starting to bond. While he used to be afraid of my hand (is this normal in shelter dogs or does this hint at an abusive past?), he now happily runs up to it because he knows I'll stroke him. Sudden movements still make him jump but loud noises (the shelter is right by the city's garbage disposal area, and it was trash day - very noisy) don't bother him at all.
He doesn't seem to have had any obedience training: he pulls at the leash and doesn't know any commands. I was thinking it'd be relatively easy to teach him to sit at the shelter, but I haven't a clue how to teach him to walk properly. Any suggestions?
Thanks for all the feedback! I'm so excited to take him home!
wrote on 2 Mar 2011, 01:05 last edited by
A gentle obedience class will help you bond and learn to communicate.
Glad he is going home with someone who will make him a good companion.