Please pray for Booger
Sorry I haven't been online in a few days due to increased hours at work….
Booger has taken a definite upturn in the past few days. He still spends a lot of time sleeping, but its a bit less than before. I can tell he's getting restless and wanting to be a bit more active. He had several actual nose bleeds last week, but has not had one since. He is getting up to greet us when we come home, grooming Lola, chasing the cats, getting excited about eating & beating me to the closet where we keep the food, etc. In recent weeks, he would stay in bed until his food was ready & then return to bed as soon as he was done eating. This morning he jumped out of bed before me!
Yesterday it snowed, an experience neither Lola or Booger have had. I let Booger & Lola run around a bit in the snow. Booger actually scampered around with Lola for a few minutes before they got cold & wanted to go back in.
Over the weekend, Booger has had a quick turn around & is almost back to his old self. He still has two more weeks of antibiotics, and then we have to determine if there is still a foreign object or fungus hiding in the recesses of his nose if he is still sneezing. His nose is healing; its still a bit swollen & inflamed on one nostril.
Thank you again for all of the positivity & good wishes!I know it sounds silly, not really knowing you guys and all, but I have been actually worried about Booger.
I am so very glad to hear he's doing well.
Keep it up Booger boy.
I know it sounds silly, not really knowing you guys and all, but I have been actually worried about Booger.
I am so very glad to hear he's doing well.
Isn't it funny how attached we can get to the basenjis in our online family? I've been worried too, and so glad to hear Booger is improving.
I know it sounds silly, not really knowing you guys and all, but I have been actually worried about Booger.
I am so very glad to hear he's doing well.
Doesn't sound silly at all… I have actually worried about other basenjis that get sick on the forum. I have been known to cry at both happy and sad endings, too. I think just owning one of these little creatures makes you very empathetic to other owners. Whenever another basenji on the forum gets sick, I imagine what if it were one of mine? It can be rather devastating.
We were at the point of making the final decision for Booger 2 weeks ago... I'm glad we held off for the blood test. -
Things are looking up. Yea!! And I totally understand the attachment to basenjis that are not ours. Years ago, back in the days of the orginal Basenji-L there was a family who lost two basenjis in a house fire. I was getting ready to pick my husband up from the airport when the post came through on the list. I met my husband sobbing into a handtowel that I had grabbed just before I left the house. He, of course, thought someone in the family had died because I was crying so hard. Well, in a way… it was true -- the extended Basenji family.
Please keep us posted on Booger!
Booger has been close to his usual self recently…. Last night we sat down to watch Lost, and he entertained himself with chasing Lola, throwing a plastic bottle to himself & climbing on the back of the sofa to better lick our hair. Andrew turned to me at one point and commented, "I forgot how annoying Booger can be." Haha.
Today he got to go to the park for the first time in about a month. He had a lot of fun running around with other dogs, but he had an interesting quirk he's never had before. Every few minutes he would run over & either lean on me or jump on me to get my attention. When I looked at him, he would look into my eyes & stare at me for several seconds before running off to play again. I swear he was saying "Thank you for not giving up on me Mommy. And thank you for bringing me to the park again."
I almost cried a couple of times. -
Woo hoo Booger!!! So glad you are feeling better!:D:D:D