Wow. I think if I saw a neighbor doing something like that to She-Ra's collar the police wouldn't really have to worry about taking my dog into custody. Screw with me, screw with my family…but don't touch my dog.
That said, don't go looking for revenge on these people, but be vigilant. If he's brazen enough to come on your property and mess with your dog, he's probably got no problem doing something a lot worse. I believe in karma, but sometimes karma needs a little help, too. That said, god help his cat if it ended up on my side of the fence, so to speak.
And there's something just fundamentally wrong with someone who doesn't appreciate a good baroo, anyhow. :)
I'm really sorry for what's happening to you right now, but moreso for poor Jack. Just try and concentrate on how much fun it will be when the two of you are reunited on (hopefully before) the 26th.
I'm just reading this and can't believe what some people will stoop to doing! Please be careful of these people, I'd worry about what else they are capable of. Poor Jack..and you for having to be without him for so long. I hope he's able to come home sooner then the 26th.
i call a basenji party at your house.
I would be very careful about poisoning if they came into your yard and did that. I would have some serious confrontation! I would definately have him supervised all of the time in case they try something again. I think a video camera might do some good as well. Fing aholes in my humble opinion.
i call a basenji party at your house.
I second this motion, I say we all come visit Kira for the day and let the B's have a howling good time! Or should I say yodeling good time! :D :D :D
Id LOVE having a B party at my place, Then the neighbors will she how perfect they are and fall in love with a baroo here and there! I think that the only reason this is happening is as a retaliation for my saying" please dont let your dog poop on my porch" That seemed to pss him off…but Oh well. Im definatly going to have to let Jack suffer for this and ONLY let him our for short periods of time...and make him stay in no matter how much he cries by the back door. As for all the details, Jack has to be there for 14 days because he was "seen acting visously around the neighborhood" and the neighbor must have said he was niped at, who knows...I dont want to get all ruffed up about it because Im hoping I can "kill them with kindness" and not let them see that i was affected. We are to be moved shortly anyway into a one story home with no carpets in housing (my allergies) so Im not Happy about Jack being away, but at least he is coming home and he is ok! Thats all that really matters. I want to thank you all for your prayers and concerns and Ill be posting some "Home From Jail" Pictures of Jack when I get my baby back on the 26th!!! Only a few more days!!
Man, this sucks for you. I will say that being nice to the neighbors is probably a good thing (and more than I would likely be able to do), but don;t think you will change them at all. Anyone who would go over and take a dog off his lead or cut a collar, then call the police is beyond conversion.
I think you are right to not let Jack out any more than absolutely needed until you move.
I'm so sorry for Jack and your family to have to go through this. There should be a special place in hell for people like your neighbors. Some people are just pure evil. It's good that you'll be getting away from those people soon. Poor Jack! In the meantime, don't let him out of your sight when he's in the yard. Is there some way you can walk him on a leash while pushing Aiden in a stroller?
I would be out of my mind.
Your neighbors sound really scary. People who would do something like that make my queasy. I was going to suggest a fence to protect you from them and their pets, but I see you're planning to move. You need a mote with people like that for neighbors. And I think, like some others have said, I wouldn't let him out of my sight until you move.
So sorry to hear about this. Many good thoughts for you and Jack. Hope he's home soon.
All I can really say is My heart goes out to you, Jack, and your family… If I were to say everything that I feel right now and what I would do to this guy, I would get kicked off of here. I wouldn't call animal control on his dog or cat because it is undue stress on that animal. But I would find other ways to make his life miserable... :evil grin:
I've been out of town for a few days and just read this post. Sorry to hear about this. Glad that you will be moving soon. I would be in a big fit.
Even though you'll be moving soon and dont' have you pup back yet, have a camera ready to record the neighbor and or neighbor pet trespasses; in fact make the camera really obvious so the neighbor sees it or better yet get some cheap security cameras from the pawn shop or walmart and stick then on the outside (they don't have to work) in obvious places. Then the night before you leave, pick up all the poop you can find from the neighbor's pets (or anyothers you can find) and dump all just over the neighbor's side of the property line. :) -
I just saw this as well. Unbelievable.:mad: I can't imagine what my hubby would do in the situation. It would be more than my dog in jail. I would definately have a camera in the back yard and a lock on the fence. (Ican't remember if you had a fence or not. ) I would have to think of a very malicious recourse. It may take me some time. You are nicer than I am.
Thanks for all your thoughts! I had a talk with the neighbor, and it went surprisingly well. We discussed our problems and decided to move on from there. Are we friends? no. But we are going to be civil and keep to ourselves (the wives talked, husbands are both out to sea) She had no idea I saw her husband with Jack and shes was very nice about it and sorry. I think things will be a little better, but im not letting my guard down!! THANKS again…SIX DAYS!!!!
You are so good! I would have been too angry to be civil. I think it shows amazing strength of character, by speaking to her and trying to work through everything.
Major major kudos to you.