General questions bout these lovely creatures..
The first heat can last longer than subsequent ones..but it usually is around a month…but they don't all bleed that whole time. You can try the bitches britches, little panty type things...but some girls won't keep them on, and some will get a little vaginitis from not being able to keep themselves clean. You can also spread towels or blankets in their normal sleeping spots so that the mess is easily washable. Or you can get black sheets and blankets ;)
I sure wouldn't leave her outdoors...male dogs are amazing at finding a bitch in heat. You need to keep an eye on her all the time :)
There is a thread on heat cycle in the anatomy section. I asked the same question a couple days ago. You can get some info there. We are having the same issue with our foster. I got her a doggie diaper at the pet store but it is very difficult to keep on her, even at night. Good Luck!
Hi Chilli-
I get the same rash around pretty much any dog, as well as in dusty areas, around cats, when things are blooming, etc. The thing with my Basenji is that I haven't had any respiratory allergies to his dander, and there are some things you can do to prevent/manage the rash:
Make sure you are washing with something like Dove or Aveeno, a good moisturizing soap. Soaps like Irish Spring will take the protective layer of oil off of your skin and leave it susceptible to allergens, I learned that from my dermatologist.
Moisturize every day. Use a good moisturizer (again) like Dove or Aveeno.
After cuddling with the pup, wash your arms and hands. (sounds easy- but it is easy to forget as well)
Try to keep from scratching, depending on your skin, itching it can make hives appear (at least it happens to me occasionally). I find that slapping it can make the itch stop for a while (learned one when I got my first tattoo)
If at all possible, use a groomer to bathe your dog…doing it yourself can expose you to a lot of the dander.
If needed, take some benedryl, or another antihistamine
After a while, your body will get used to your dog's specific dander, and you will have less issues.
I'm not a doctor, and don't know if these solutions are medically correct, this is just what I have noticed, having had the same problem. I have been able to manage my rash and hives using these ideas.
Another general question, has anyone have any allergic/skin irritation from basenji furs. Seems like whenever i cuddle her for a long period of time, i get an itchy/rash like on my arms..
I have this problem with one of my 3 basenjis. I don't have this problem with the token barking dog either. So, Brindlewonderkid gets a bath about once a month. Sometimes more. He's the dog I take on therapy visits and I do a lot of picking him up (esp at the Alzheimer's facility), so I bathe him the night before we go there. If he's nice and clean, I don't itch and have those little red dots all over my arms.
thanks so much for all the replies with my questions..i thought i was being silly with the itchiness on my arms cos we also have a jack russell and i never have problem with her. I'll try the bathing trick, as much as she hates getting bathe we try to do it twice a week. it's just another challenge.
As for her being on heat, we have lots of towels but keeping her still in one spot is a nightmare. We kept her in her crate last night but in the morning when we took her out she sprayed all over our carpet. I think she's about 2-3 weeks into this cycle so hopefully it's finished soon! thanks again guys!!
haha….I gave my B a bath last night. I think there was more water on me than in the tub at the end. Good luck!
I would get itchy with my boy basenji occassionally because of his short coat. I didn't have to bathe him to stop the itching, I learned to wipe him down after walks with a warm damp towel. That seemed to do the trick and then I didn't have to bathe him nearly as much.
I would get itchy with my boy basenji occassionally because of his short coat. I didn't have to bathe him to stop the itching, I learned to wipe him down after walks with a warm damp towel. That seemed to do the trick and then I didn't have to bathe him nearly as much.
That is a good point, Lisa. I think the same objective could be reached with a wipe down. Chilli…I think bathing the dog two times a week might be drying out her coat and making the problem worse. My Bs only get washed before a show...or if they get untolerably dirty/stinky. That adds up to about three baths a year per dog.
I think a lot of how itchy, or pokey the dog is depends on their coat texture. We only have one that has that super short 'pokey' coat that makes me itchy. The rest range from a little longer, yet downright soft.
I would agree, twice a week seems like a lot. You may want to try to "wash" without soap. I've been known to do that. And wiping down with a wet washcloth.
Oh wow, all this talk about giving baths is like waking me up. Our other 2 dogs are a 11 yo Jindo and a 9 yo Shiba Inu, both are like Basenji's in that they clean themselves like cats, in fact we hav had both since they were not quite 2 years old and have never given either a bath. They have never smelled the least bit 'doggy' even when coming in out of the rain. So, now I find that the Itty Bitty One is supposed to be given a bath even with her extremely short coat? What a disappointment, lol.
I have not given mine a bath in over a year… and only the ones that I would be showing get regular baths. I don't think there is anything that says you have to give baths?.... Mine older kids are lucky if they do get a bath once a year...ggg.. and usually that is the late spring/early summer when they are blowing coat, as the warm water will help get rid of dead hairs along with brushing them.
I think when you live in the tropics you end up bathing them more often. The heat and humidity makes even the cleanest basenji stincky. Also, the city is not as clean and he gets very dirty just from our regular walks. he sleeps on my bed so I can't have dirty and stincky. I bathe him about every month and half or two months…
Doggy diapers are great. I got one from Petland when Becca came into heat. It is great cause you can put panty-liners in there and then just change them at least once a day. That way you don't have to wash the diaper all the time. She was pretty good with leaving it on and not chewing it.