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Anal Gland Issues and Diet

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Thank you, thank you for everyone who posted a response to my problem with Lillie's poop. I tried feeding her smaller amounts…the poop really didn't change. But, thankfully, pumpkin did the trick! This is a win-win situation because Lillie absolutely loves pumpkin. Thanks again for everyone's help.
    PS I'm still feeding her small amounts but adding the pumpkin to her food.

  • Poor DH, he was "marked" by each dog today and their anal gland secretion. Both times as they were cuddling with him on the chair watching tv. Two pair of pants in the wash, two blankets from the chair in the wash, two dogs banished from his lap.

    I am so at my wits end with this, this seems to be happening almost every week, there are dark spots on the sheets when they sleep with me, on the sheets covering the couch and chair and they have gotten both DH and I.

    I need to pick up some more canned pumpkin tomorrow and start mixing it into their food everyday. I am feeding them Innova EVO, I thought this was the best food to feed them.

    Has anyone tried the Metamucil? I am going to have to take both of these stinky butts to the vet this week and have their glands expressed.

    Grrrrrr … :mad:

  • What are the stools like? Are the firm stools or soft? Not all dog foods agree with all dogs. I prefer grainless foods but there are now several on the market that you can try if EVO is not working for your dogs. Wellness has a grainless food, there is Origin, Instinct, and a new one by the makers of Timberwolf Organics but I can't think of the name of the food right now. For your dogs a food with some grain might be better like Merrick's, Wellness, or California Natural. There are several high quality foods that I would consider fairly equivalent in the quality of their ingredients but some may work better for some dogs.

  • Zahra's stool seems to be nice round solid poo, same for Chase just bigger size poo.

    I feel bad for them because I am sure it probably doesn't feel good if they are impacted by they are not scooting. They only lick after the have excreted it on DH. :(

    Do you think because I am feeding EVO that might be the problem since it is grainless?

    I thought I picked them out the best food.

  • @ChaseandZahrasmom:

    Zahra's stool seems to be nice round solid poo, same for Chase just bigger size poo.

    I feel bad for them because I am sure it probably doesn't feel good if they are impacted by they are not scooting. They only lick after the have excreted it on DH. :(

    Do you think because I am feeding EVO that might be the problem since it is grainless?

    I thought I picked them out the best food.

    I doubt it… remember grain is really not a nature part of a dogs diet.... and you may just need to learn how to express the glands yourself... I do it for mine... and while not pleasant.. it is not a big deal...

  • My vet recommended the pumpkin (which seemed to work because the problem eventually went away :) ) or sweet potatoes. He also likes to eat cooked rutabagas (I found that out be accident when I spilled some on the floor at dinner one day). He doesn't touch fruits or raw carrots however. I read someplace that cooked oatmeal can work but I don't know if that's true or not and can't remember where I read that.

  • I use Innova Evo small bites (not the red meat version) and mix it with the Natural Balance Sweet Potatoe and Fish and Caesar's anal glands are better. I was getting them expressed every month and now he seems to need it every 3 months.

  • We have been feeding nutro natural choice in the green bag and no rawhide treats ever, and she has been doing much better. Rarely does she have problems at all!

    Jordan and Piggy

  • Ahhh the famous "stink stamp"
    Man oah man what a smell and such a mess. Sometimes I wish their tails did not curl up…that way it would cover the back end and my furniture wouldn't stink :/
    The worst is when you sit right on the ick and you don't even know it...after a while you get up and start walking around and you smell it but can't figure out where its coming from...hahahaha that drives me crazy!!!!!

  • I've noticed that Zip was much more excited about the pumpkin in the beginning. I don't usually mix it in (not sure why? hmm). So it's avoidable and she often leaves it in her bowl. Now, ground flax seed on the other hand goes practically unnoticed and mixes in quite well with her innova kibble and tbsp of canned evo. And I don't think it has much taste. So another sneaky way to up the fiber. I recommend it.

  • Nicki, how much ground flax seed do you put in their food? I never heard about using that and often we have that problem with Savannah. I noticed that if she doesn't poop at least twice a day, we can expect a little stinky butt. As precaution if she only gets walked once a day, we now automatically bring out her "stinky" towel and put it on the bed and one on the sofa where she sits with us.

    I'd like to try the ground flax seed. Please let me know. Thanks.

  • The only thing I would caution in using the flax seed is that it is a grain. I know my allergic-to-everything-Boxenji has a problem with it. Almost all dog food has it in. I have to minimize the amount. You should also be able to find ground flax seed in the health food store.

  • Laura,

    I probably put in at least a tablespoon. I don't really measure it .I just stick my hand in the bag grab some with all my fingers and sprinkle it in her bowl and then mix it in. It's much more than I can pinch between 2 fingertips, but not a handful or anything. I try not to put so much that it won't all stick to the canned food. Otherwise it just ends up on the bottom of her bowl. I hope that helps!

  • Thanks. I'll give it a try to see if it helps. My dogs don't like pumpkin and will just lick it and eat around it. They do like yams with whip cream but I haven't been able to find it in a can. I'll give the flax seed a try. Thanks!

  • We have also used fish oil (1/2 gel cap 2x/wk) and flax seed oil in the same dosing. I don't know if it has made a difference with the anal issue but it sure helps her coat and skin! Totally worth the money and effort.

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