Baby Gates I don't use them
I have a baby gate on hand but only use it if a foster B is having adjustment issues.
One shelter pull guy I had for a little bit would not tolerate my boys but was okay with Ellie. I put my three on one side of the gate and went into my room to spend one-on-one time with the foster. Well, not for long. :rolleyes: Her Imperial Highness crawled her sweet chubbiness right over that gate to be with me and dispense occassional attitude adjustments to the foster. Turns out this allegedly neutered boy was not neutered at all. After his tidbits were removed, he went on to live in a multiple B home without incident.
After his tidbits were removed, …....
:D I like that delicate phrase! I'm going to have to adopt it. LOL
we only use them when its wet out so they dont get the carpet dirty thats all i dont use them anywhere else they have full roam to my house….but since having b's i have become a very very clean and tidy sure everyone can relate.
I love baby gates..we have an old 70's style house, with little box rooms..
The gates work perfectly if we need to keep dogs from "things" we are doing.
They don't seem to mind it as they can see and smell what is going on in the other room. -
I do have one that blocks the hallway to the spare bedrooms (the master bed and a room she has access to is on another side of the house), my parents stay with us in the winter and they are notorious to leave stuff lying around such as sunglasses, purses, shoes, etc the more expensive they are the more Mia thinks they are delicious, she has expensive taste lol. So I found it easier to use the gate to protect those rooms than to make sure they pick up after themselves lol.
we had one when we only had rocky.. and it blocked the steps going upstairs because the couple that lives with us has the two upstairs bedrooms (we have the 2 bedrooms downstairs to ourselves) but when we got the puppy we got an additional one that would block off the kitchen and the living room. It is propped open all day. I close it at night so i know that they aren't in the living room pottying or tearing things up. when we first got Mia she was so tiny she squeezed through the bars.. thank goodness shes fattened up ! lol
We have had success with baby gates. I was shocked that Dash didn't try to jump it. Until I walked over it. He cleared it in a second and was right by my side. I kind of stopped and was surprised but he looked so cute and just kind of looked at me like.."but mom, someone is at the door, I can't let you go alone, it could be a bad person or a giant piece of cheese…"
thats the kind we have.. a white and a black. they are extra tall so its hard for them to jump.
After his tidbits were removed, he went on to live in a multiple B home without incident.
In China they call it having their peaches picked. The last time I arranged this procedure for someone several years ago the vet had the woman hold the dog on her lap while he did the procedure!! Good thing it was a small dog…...
but mom, someone is at the door, I can't let you go alone, it could be a bad person or a giant piece of cheese…"
HAHAHAHAHA. Okay my coworker just looked at me like I am crazy because I was laughing out loud :p Too funny!
We dont' have any baby gates for Dallas but we live in an apartment where the bedroom doors remain shut & the rest is so open that there is no where a baby gate could even go if we wanted one!
Check out these gates, hoo boy … -
Check out these gates, hoo boy … have a feeling that the wooden gates wouldbe pretty knawed at after oh…5 minutes of being put up? :p
Check out these gates, hoo boy … have one of the Hardwood Containment Gates, looks nice… of our B's figured out how to open it and now we have to tie something around the latch to keep it latched. We have several gates throughout the house.....our house has that Alcatraz feel.:eek:
….our house has that Alcatraz feel.:eek:
HaHaHa! Mine too…the accordian one in the kitchen, the two swinging ones at the top & bottom of the stairs nevermind the woodstove gate, the front porch & gate, the deck railings and gate. Ay yi yi! I must have liked my crib...;) :rolleyes:
We have 1 gate with vertical bars and a step mechanisim to open it. For some reason there is this one patch of carpet that Giz wants to crap on and we just keep him separated from that part of the hallway. He knows how to open the gate, but he isn't heavy enough to actually make the mechanisim work. I'm expecting to come in one day and see him telling the terrier girl to sit on the foot pedal, but he hasn't thought of that yet. I don't mention it out loud, either. :-)
i dont use baby gates but i dont have a problem wih kip he just curles up nicely in his basket until he occasionally wants to play at 3:00am!