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Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • I am wondering about a sneezing problem with my Bella that started a couple of weeks ago. She will sneeze, mostly when she first wakes up after a nap or in the morning. She makes the craziest faces and then comes out with a series of sneezes. Nothing else seems to be bothering her… no cough or nasal discharge or anything. The only thing I can think of corresponding with the onset of this sneezing is her check-up. She had a kennel cough vaccine (the one they put in thier nose) about three weeks ago. Is it possible that it irritated her nasal passages??? :confused:

  • I would say yes to that, anything that touches their noses seems to make them sneeze. If it continues for another week I would call my vet, she might have allergies, lots of pollen this time of year. Sahara will sneeze alot when their is pollen in the air.

  • If it keeps going for much longer, I would take her into the vet…there could be something stuck up there that is causing an irritation.

  • My german shepherd mix had allergic bronchitis. The nasal spray vaccine would make her sneeze for days afterwards. After the first time, I always had the vet give her that vaccine by injection. My current vet only carries the spray vaccine. I actually took Pepper to another vet just to get the injection. The nasal spray never bothered by B Max.

  • Yup Topaz has been sneezing quite a bit more than usual these days. I have a feeling the poor little girl has a pollen allergies.

    Altho I think your issue is different & going to the Vet sounds like a good idea.

  • weird, jack had the same problem the other day, we got a video if it actually, i post it next. The faces he made we SO funny!!! But its was only for a couple of days and about three weeks or so ago he got the same kennel meds so that must be it!! HERES THE VIDEO!!we only caught the end of a 10 series of sneezes!!


  • The poor Captain, the crew laughing at his missery like that

    My dog sneezes a lot on walks sniffing grass. Probably allergic to grass

  • yes, Caesar has been sneezing a lot as well. I suspect there is stuff a bloomin'

    Love the video…

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    @may_seeee Good luck, hope it’s something simple.
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    @DebraDownSouth: Here is a great vet site with both kennel cough and reverse sneeze videos Good Link Debra.
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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    When Chance got his nasal Bordatella he did the exact same thing for a few hours. When it came time for Kiya's Bordatella we opted for the shot instead and had no problems. If you are given the option I would just do the shot instead so Jackpot won't have to go through that again. Poor little guy. :(