Basenji or horse?
Having both a B and a horse, I can say that the B does have some distinct horse characteristics: snorting, the ear shake if you blow on their head, and the pawing action.
Don't try to combine the two though. My B seems to think the horse is entirely too large… but oh does he love her horse cookies!
I dont get the B500 at home but he does it at the dog park! He gets all the big dogs chasing him. When he runs out of steam and has all the dogs crowding him he gives them the B attitude and demands his space. They are so tough and assertive for little guys!
I love the horsey snorts too. -
Max sometimes shows more characteristics of a horse than a dog. Max trots around the house instead of walking. He even makes horsey snorts. When he wants a treat he pulls up his front legs just like a horse would and teasingly paws at the ground when traumatizing the cat. I have never had a dog with so much personality.,:)
One of the things that drew me to Basenjis is how much they remind me of horses… many Basenji breeds are or were into the "horsey" set... me being one of them.... And if you read the standard, it clearly states that their gait (movement) is like that of a horse (TB)
Horsey Dog-
My daughter put her American Girl Doll Horse blanket on our dog. I wish I had a picture!
I think Basenjis act allot like cats! Grooming themselves all the time, sleeping in tight circles and in odd places, and allot of his play time behavior resembles that if a cat!1
We have hardwoods downstairs and sometimes they will purposefully slide into the wall as part of a turn behind the couch because there is no way they would be able to take it at top speed.
Oh boy does Jack EVER do the "B500" It is SOOO funny, he TEARS thru the house like someone is going to kill him if hes caught, lol. screaming up and down the stairs and around corners onto the couch and slamming into walls (wood floors downstairs) Its seems so random too. Like he just has SO much energy and SUDDENLY needs to blow it off, then he'll just stop and lay down and go sleep. LOL its the most entertaining thing he does!! its hilarious :D
anyone else have a dog who does "yoga"? Rocke will do "downward dog" and "plank" right after waking up.
I am not familiar w/yoga moves, but I'd guess that downward dog in that stretch they do; but I'm inclined to think that "yoga" is doing "doggie moves" just based on the names…..
But yes, both my do the downward dog -- I think -- but I'm not sure what "plank" is.
My Cleo does the yoga moves everytime she wakes up too. We also frequently have the B500 at our house; and she loves to bounce off the back of the furniture while running. One time she tried this on the rocker/recliner chair and actually knocked it over! :D
Does anyone's B have an obsession with hiding things like mine does? Anytime I gave her a treat she walks around the house looking for a place to "bury" it. She tries to "dig" in my furniture or basket of clean laundry, and then she uses her nose like she is pushing something over it to "bury" it!! Yesterday I gave her a busybone and she could not find a good place for it so she just followed me around the house, carrying it in her mouth and whining!:p
These dogs do some of the strangest things, but they sure are entertaining & they keep life interesting!
Does anyone's B have an obsession with hiding things like mine does? Anytime I gave her a treat she walks around the house looking for a place to "bury" it. She tries to "dig" in my furniture or basket of clean laundry, and then she uses her nose like she is pushing something over it to "bury" it!! Yesterday I gave her a busybone and she could not find a good place for it so she just followed me around the house, carrying it in her mouth and whining!:p
These dogs do some of the strangest things, but they sure are entertaining & they keep life interesting!
SOO FUNNY!! I JUST POSTED ABOUT THIS TODAY in another thread seriousle like a few hours ago, youll have to read it!!! its in the "My dog is so dumb - My dog is so smart thread (in blue)…
Yoga dog?
My dog does exactly that. We make fun of her cause she always does it when we come home. We tell her "Bow to your parents". And I always thought she acted more like a horse when she plays. She rears up and paws and so many other crazy things. She is like the best dog ever. :) Always puts a smile on my face no matter what.
anyone else have a dog who does "yoga"? Rocke will do "downward dog" and "plank" right after waking up.
Squiggy does all the time when ever he wakes up. he goes from the downward dog to a cobra. very funny.
He also makes huge "yawn" noises afterwards. -
I think our dog is more mule than horse. If she does not want to go somewhere on a walk she plants her butt and will not move!!
Yep, Sahara does all of the above. She does the B-500 when we say, "I am going to get you"! She takes off, and runs in the den up on the couch, around the recliner, around the dining room table, around the coffee table in the living room, up on the living room couch and back going through my legs and then out the doggie door, and right back in. She is sooooo funny and wears me out b/c I am chasing her. I like to play this with her when she has not had enough exercise. When she is done with the run she is totally give out, and goes to sleep. She also tries to find places to hide her treats (only when she is not hungry), my couch, recliner and carries it around in her mouth while whinning if she is trying to find the perfect place. She has whined so much before that I take it and hide it for her showing her where it is, she is usually happy when I find a spot. She also stretches out after sleeping making weird noises and such. I agree that these dogs are unique and that's why we love them so much, even though they take lots of patience.
With basenji's you have to be very strong, but treat them so delicately.
It's so easy to cush their spirit.
With basenji's you have to be very strong, but treat them so delicately.
It's so easy to cush their spirit.
My free spirit was crushed almost as soon as I brought Duke home. (he was the CUTEST puppy / tasmanian devil! :eek: ) If I have bruised his spirit, he comes back with immediate face licking. :p :p He is a good boy now!