• I have YET to see another basenji here in Michigan. Just the other day though, I was outside with Tayda and Lenny and a woman walked by and yelled " BASENJIS!" She said she used to have one years ago, until she gave it to a guy that used it for hunting… (?)

    But mostly people don't know what they are. Usually they guess "rat terrier" or my favorite "is that a little baby deer?"

  • There are kind of alote of basenji's here in LA I see them every weeked at the dog park and ran into one at the beach. Also I have met many people that used to have basenji's back when they first saw "Goodbye My Lady" days. Although when I go visit my parents in Northern California in the bay area its like I never see them.
    Years later I still get crazy excited when I see a new one! I have to stop my car and talk too!
    I think its really neat how the ones I meet look so different. I have seen thin ones fat one ones with boxie heads one's with long thin noses petite ones big ones all kinds of curly tails!
    This one time I went to a dog show and I saw a male basenji that was totally all muscle I mean really buff! one day (in the far away future) I would love to get one like that. Talk about cool!!!

  • Around here not too many people know what a Basenji is. Though I did meet one fella in the park that knew all about Basenjis even though he asked if she was a terrier. I have yet to see another one around here. Even my vet knows very little about Basenjis. I would love to meet another Basenji owner in my neck of the woods….what are the odds?

  • Just a quick note is you have not given your Vet a copy of the Fanconi Protocol, please do so… and have them put it in her file... in fact to all on the Forum, please if your Vet is not familar with the breed, please do the same... you can find the protocol at www.basenji.org (sorry for the public service annoucement..ggg)

  • I have also not seen another basenji around…however I have found a lot of excited people to see a basenji in "real-life" hahaa They always get so excited when he is at the dog park 😃

  • "But mostly people don't know what they are. Usually they guess "rat terrier" or my favorite "is that a little baby deer?"

    That's funny. I have never heard that one or even considered it.Dash is the lone Basenji at the dog park as well. I have only seen 2 others and it is the same two at what used to be Ritters and a dog walk a year or 2 back.

  • @tanza:

    Just a quick note is you have not given your Vet a copy of the Fanconi Protocol, please do so… and have them put it in her file... in fact to all on the Forum, please if your Vet is not familar with the breed, please do the same... you can find the protocol at www.basenji.org (sorry for the public service annoucement..ggg)

    Thanks Tanza,
    I just printed it and will bring it with me next week when we see the Vet again. I want her to be as informed as she can about Zuri and anything that might affect her health and well being.


  • I have seen a Basenji/Whippet mix but no other Bs here in Knoxville…as a matter of fact I haven't seen a B in Las Vegas (where I lived until about 10 months ago) or anywhere else for that mater...maybe I just didn't notice them until I got one of my own...you know how you never really notice this type of car until you buy one kind of thing? I know there are Bs here but I just haven't seen them except for the mix (Hollie)...

  • i have not seen any in Central IL. but the groomer I take my mixed breed to says there at least 3 in town that they know of or that have been there. Haven,t been to the dog park in my area yet.

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    I have YET to see another basenji here in Michigan. Just the other day though, I was outside with Tayda and Lenny and a woman walked by and yelled " BASENJIS!" She said she used to have one years ago, until she gave it to a guy that used it for hunting… (?)

    But mostly people don't know what they are. Usually they guess "rat terrier" or my favorite "is that a little baby deer?"

    Same here - No Basenjis and no one know's what it is. I think I bore some people telling them what I know about them. (I think it's interesting, anyway!) But have you ever seen a Rat Terrier? They're really small with oversized ears! Basenjis must be twice their weight with proportionatly sized ears. I saw some RT's at the Dog Show a few months ago. Someone suggested that Duke might be part Rat 😞 I don't see it, no way!

    I have (2) BRAT calendars - one at work. A guy came over when he saw it and said I've got a Basenji! His girl is 14 yrs old. He said he didn't know what he was getting when his family got her as a puppy. He said they like to run away - a lot! They've always been able to retrieve her, and now she's just too tired to run away. Too bad there wasn't internet info available for them. Love this forum! 😉

  • The first time I ever saw a rat terrrier was when I adopted Lillie. The rat terrier was in the crate above Lillie. She was very cute (of course not as cute as Lillie:)). The one BIG difference between the two was this rat terrier would not stop barking. Happy ending though, this rat terrier was adopted also!

    Basenjis rule!


  • We met a couple who have a little tri girl named Bella at PetSmart. I'm going to call them and schedule a play date!!! It was the coolest thing! We didn't have Corky with us. I spotted them and said to my husband "OMG, LOOK!!!" and proceeded to fawn over her. We got to talking and they were just as excited as we were!!!

    I took Corky to PetSmart Sunday and one lady started to say "That's a Doberman mixed with…" I stopped her and said "Nope, he's a basenji." She never heard of the breed. I told her a few things about basenjis. It just so happened to be adoption day and her son said "I want that one Mom." hehe I felt a little bad when I told him he was not up for adoption he was MINE. Then a few other people thought he was a rat terrier mix. I love it that Corky is such a conversation starter and that I get to brag about basenjis. 😃

  • Those of you in cities with large basenji populations are lucky. There ARE a few here in Knoxville. Hollie and I have met 4 others at various parks and events, but only one owner really wanted to talk about the breed and have playdates. I know there are others here, other people/vets tell me, but I have only seen the four. Would love to have a large enough group to do basenji playdates and other things.

  • LOL, how about the moment when you see another basenji that looks just like your basenji!!

    When I adopted Caesar he was the cutest red boy in the world!! Then at petsmart I saw another red basenji as beautiful as Caesar! That is when I realized they all are cute!!

    At the dog park when the pack is 11 strong, it is hard to tell them apart at times!!

  • Well for those who have never seen one. I myself was unfamiliar but I can definately see how someone might of a rat terrier when trying to figure out what our dogs are.

  • Shuddering at the top pic…..looks like a very, very wrong basenji 😉

    Actually there are lines of Rat Terriers (particularly Decker Rat Terriers) that have Basenji in their make up. So specifically, I would imagine that tri colored one is a Decker.

  • @Quercus:

    Shuddering at the top pic…..looks like a very, very wrong basenji 😉

    Actually there are lines of Rat Terriers (particularly Decker Rat Terriers) that have Basenji in their make up. So specifically, I would imagine that tri colored one is a Decker.

    Ohhhh, how funny-exactly what I thought!

  • striking resemeblence…I'll admit but tail & the faces are dead give aways..NOT basenji lol 😃

  • FINALLY!!!! I took Kona to the dog park tonight and he met his first basenji!!!! They played awesome together and Taz's owner was very nice also!!!

    This is a picture of a lot of what went on….along with A LOT of running 😃

    p.s. Kona is doing the dominance showing haha


  • We've met two at the dog park. Neither stayed very long due to not getting along well with others.
    My favorite quote was from a little girl, maybe 7 years old, who asked "can I walk your horse - dog? I meant dog." I told her I thought she was a horse-dog too.

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