Where/How To Get a Basenji Hunting Bell?
wrote on 10 Nov 2020, 22:15 last edited by
I’ve seen these online for years when looking at sites that talk about Basenjis, but I’ve only ever seen one for sale. It was featured on eBay. I bid on the Basenji Hunting Bell, but my pain threshold was reached at just over $200. That bell later sold for well over $600!
I continue to look for them from time to time, but I never see them. I recently looked again and the results were the same. Nuthin’, zero, zilch, nada.
Are these even available in the United States? Are they available in other countries via the internet? I suppose if I can’t find a real one I just might have to just make my own.
wrote on 11 Nov 2020, 02:04 last edited by
Not sure that pup is too excited about their bell...
I have a bell that goes on doodles collar when she is tromping in the woods. It keeps the little critters away, which means that doodle isn't running into the road to chase a squirrel. They cost around a dollar (~$1USD) from most hobby shop. Of course, they aren't cool like this one... I suppose it depends on whether you want function or a unique conversation piece. ;)
wrote on 11 Nov 2020, 02:23 last edited by
No, no, no. Not one of THOSE. :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: I have one of those on my front door. I switched it to Jengo after his stroke so that I could hear him if he woke up in the middle of the night. That's not what we're talking about here.
No, you see this is THE most important accessory that one can ever obtain for a Basenji. It's like having a sticker that says "Made In [insert your country name here]" on your favorite trinket. It's like a baseball glove for ball player. A tennis racket for a tennis player. I have to have one. Somehow not having a Basenji Hunting Bell and being the custodian of a Basenji leaves me feeling... inadequate. :persevering_face:
I must obtain one. It's moral imperative and I owe it to Basenjis for all of eternity to be able to decorate my Basenji, at least once, with a bell. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
And just so ya know... this is uncomfortable... I don't want one that big. A much smaller one will be adequate. :thumbs_up:
wrote on 11 Nov 2020, 04:03 last edited by
replied to JENGOSMonkey on 11 Nov 2020, 05:20 last edited by
@jengosmonkey said in Where/How To Get a Basenji Hunting Bell?:
A much smaller one will be adequate.
oh good, 'cause that thing looks like a Goiter!!
wrote on 11 Nov 2020, 05:29 last edited by
Here's one that's only half that price: Basenji Hunting Bell
Worthwhile to note that the money benefits a Congo Children's School.Better hurry though! There's only one left!
wrote on 11 Nov 2020, 10:52 last edited by
I am mildly surprised that the bells in the photos are around the Basenji's neck.
I have always read and seen in illustrations of articles I have translated from various books and magazines over the years, that the bells were around the tum !
wrote on 11 Nov 2020, 22:44 last edited by
Oh gosh, I love this thread. Years ago I researched these bells, because it just seemed that a Basenji parent should have a Basenji hunting bell. But, alas, the prices were SO exorbitant. I could have dealt with $200, maybe even a bit more, but $600 and beyond? Not so much. I would still dearly love to own a bell. I did buy a very "dear" vintage slim book about Basenjis, which I bought in lieu of the bell. I do not recall anything in it about putting the bell around the stomach. But, who knows? Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Basenjis exist in a very wide swath of The Congo, so maybe different peoples/tribes have different customs.
I would LOVE to have an authentic bell. -
wrote on 12 Nov 2020, 01:04 last edited by eeeefarm 11 Dec 2020, 01:05
If you look around on the internet you will find a lot of authentic pictures of Basenjis wearing bells in Africa, e.g. this page . It's interesting to see how much we have changed this breed in appearance, since we breed for "pretty", not working ability.
replied to Izzy-Bella on 12 Nov 2020, 19:03 last edited by
@izzy-bella said in Where/How To Get a Basenji Hunting Bell?:
Oh gosh, I love this thread. Years ago I researched these bells, because it just seemed that a Basenji parent should have a Basenji hunting bell. But, alas, the prices were SO exorbitant. I could have dealt with $200, maybe even a bit more, but $600 and beyond? Not so much. I would still dearly love to own a bell. I did buy a very "dear" vintage slim book about Basenjis, which I bought in lieu of the bell. I do not recall anything in it about putting the bell around the stomach. But, who knows? Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Basenjis exist in a very wide swath of The Congo, so maybe different peoples/tribes have different customs.
I would LOVE to have an authentic bell.Glad you like it. I love this site so much and how much it's members support one another. My thought was to lighten the mood a bit with some fun. 😊
A little later I'll post a few pics of the only one that I've ever gotten to hold. I still may try and make one myself. The one for $300 is still a bit steep. Maybe not if the site is legitimate. Still investigating that. 👍
replied to eeeefarm on 12 Nov 2020, 20:34 last edited by Kembe 11 Dec 2020, 21:59
@eeeefarm said in Where/How To Get a Basenji Hunting Bell?:
“If you look around on the internet you will find a lot of authentic pictures of Basenjis wearing bells in Africa, e.g. this page . “
Thank you for the link. The article was very interesting and I enjoyed the photos. I was really intrigued that the “clangers” on the basenji hunting bells were made from monkey bones! Thanks for sharing. -
wrote on 12 Nov 2020, 21:35 last edited by
I saw that site and went through most of it a while back. Great site with really fun history and culture. Not giving up one of my monkey bones to hang round my pups neck. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
I’m thinking of using a hardwood or some kind of eucalyptus, which seems traditional. Also thinking of using a few pieces of antler as well. I can’t find any great smallish nuts that the site mentions. But, I did find a really dried out aged to almost black hollowed out coconut on the trail by my house. Pretty big. Also found a nut thing that’s the perfect size. Need to figure out how to hollow it out. Still putting the pieces together in my mind.
replied to JENGOSMonkey on 12 Nov 2020, 22:30 last edited by
No doubt in my mind that you will construct a “basenji hunting bell” for Logan! 😆 I can’t wait to see it! Will you be taking orders? 😂 -
wrote on 12 Nov 2020, 23:38 last edited by
Ditto, on Kembe's comments on the hand-made hunting bell. Too cool!
Izzy-Bella does appreciate her ever-changing fashionable collars, but I'm not sure how much--or little--she would like a bell around her neck, or anywhere else. -
wrote on 13 Nov 2020, 15:27 last edited by brindlebasenji
replied to eeeefarm on 13 Nov 2020, 16:42 last edited by
@eeeefarm said in Where/How To Get a Basenji Hunting Bell?:
Basenjis wearing bells in Africa, e.g. this page
Thank you for sharing that! I especially enjoyed the video at the bottom of the page.
replied to brindlebasenji on 13 Nov 2020, 22:04 last edited by Kembe
Naomi is GORGEOUS! Une petite jeune fille 🐾❤️ -
wrote on 13 Nov 2020, 22:53 last edited by
Naomi is a beauty, to be sure. She is definitely dainty at 16 pounds. Those big old bells would wear her down! Maybe some little Christmas bells???? Ha Ha.
replied to brindlebasenji on 13 Nov 2020, 22:57 last edited by
@brindlebasenji I agree, Naomi is really a beautiful Basenji. Love it that she has a throne. She deserves it. :winking_face:
wrote on 15 Nov 2020, 23:48 last edited by
I think I have enough parts to start Logan' Bell. I've got the goiter (I had to look that term up) sized coconut, the nut thing, which I'll most likely use, some hemp cord that I'm going to braid, then braid again into more braids. I'll slice one of Logan's spent antlers into some strips to use at clangers or whatever they call them. Here's what I have...
I may also use a soldering iron to burn his name on the front side of the bell using an African font. Something like this maybe...