Nick names
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 16:22 last edited by
What are some of your dogs funny nicknames besides shortend real names?
Ours have-
Mr Beefy- For his fearless attitude and Beefcake stride
Francis- would love to hear someone calling his dog out loud "Francis!"Female-
Tiny Tank - have to watch her weight and she plows over everything like a tank
Dobby- after Dobby from Harry Potter
Dibbles - Dib after the Invader Zim chartoon character -
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 16:36 last edited by
Hmmm, right now Damisi is still Pissy Pot!! Shadow is Bad Boy-He thinks too much. I don't have a name for Sugar since her name is Sugarbaby. It's either Sug or Baby.
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 16:42 last edited by
Daisy = Daze or Lazy Daisy
Duke = Dukey or Spooky DukeyIt's fun! They don't take offense. :D
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 17:24 last edited by
Francis- would love to hear someone calling his dog out loud "Francis!"I'm reminded of the movie "Stripes" when the drill Seargent says, "Lighten up, Francis!"
Cute names and of course, very cute dogs! -
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 17:37 last edited by
Ohmigosh, my DH is always teasing me about all the names I have for Magnum:
Keebler Elf
Koobler Elf
Koober Elf
Goobernatorial (I know that's not the way it's spelled, but that's what it looks like in my head when I'm calling him)He pretty much answers to anything now, LOL, especially if there's food involved! :D
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 17:42 last edited by
Jazzy is Jazz-ma-tazz or Jazzers …..or sometimes just "Bitch", LOL, depending on how she's treating Keoki at the moment.
My kids call Keoki "Cokers", but I'm not sure where that quite came from.
And Gypsy -- though not a B -- answers to "G", "G-G", "Gypsy-doodle-dog"
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 17:48 last edited by
C3PO is also known as "Sir Pee-A-Lot" :D :D he's a peeing machine..every time he goes out the first thing he does is peeeee :D
TOPAZ is also known as "Mama Linda" ("linda" means pretty in spanish)
wrote on 25 Jun 2007, 23:16 last edited by
My nicknames for Lillie:
Lillie Girl
Sugar Plum
Stinky (very much a term of endearment)Jodie:)
wrote on 26 Jun 2007, 01:08 last edited by
Maggii is:
Magger Dagger
Maggii Pie or Mag Pie
Maggii Moo
MaggiisterOJ is:
Ojer Boy
Ojer Man
Boy Dog
Man DogKristii is:
Stink Butt
StinkerMickii is:
Miss Mickii
Mickii mouse
Micker Snicker -
wrote on 27 Jun 2007, 22:58 last edited by
Chance is:
Dark Lord Chancelor
Stink Butt
Stink Stamper
Butt Muffin
Lil' Stinker
Lil Romper Stomper -
wrote on 28 Jun 2007, 17:46 last edited by
Dash is
Baby Dash boy
Super Rotteness
Baby badness
Little SH**
Spoiled Brat.Sissy is just Sissy
wrote on 29 Jun 2007, 17:51 last edited by
Hollie is:
Holly Hunter (the squirrel thing – she is obsessed)
Stink Bottom
Boo -
wrote on 1 Jul 2007, 02:21 last edited by
:) Baby Girl
Mommy's Girl
Daddy's Girl
Girly Girl
Little Sh++
Spoiled Brat
Sweetie Pie
Good Girl
Love Bug
Snuggle Bunny:D :D :D :D -
wrote on 2 Jul 2007, 08:19 last edited by
Scheize kopf
Little Ms. Wrinkles
when she was a puppy Mike wanted to give her a "hobbit" name "Miss Pissy Foot Stinky Bottom" now she's called "Miss Snaggle tooth stinky bottom" as she has lost her left canine.Lance:
Fancy Lance
Layance *southern twang
Pretty Boy
Handsome manAnd our non-B (Collie )Callista:
Hair Bucket
Pretty Girl -
wrote on 2 Jul 2007, 23:44 last edited by
Ok, his name is Gibby (unknown reason he came to me through BRAT) but I call him Gibbs, G Unit Special Forces, "G", Gibson, Magnificent G, Gibbsters, Mr G, Baby G–I'm sure you get it...oh yeah, he knows when you are talking about HIM
wrote on 3 Jul 2007, 18:52 last edited by
Actually I have a phrase that I seemed to use a lot with these guys in general SOOOOOO when I named one of my girls many years ago I added the initials to her name. You would be shocked at how many people think it's a title - and in some ways it is.
So this bitchs name is MIJOKR's Fancy Foot Work SFB ( S–t for Brains.)
Of course I have a lot of dumb names for my dogs in general anyway: Tex Critter, Tribbles n' Bits, GI MO to name a few.
wrote on 18 Jul 2007, 19:32 last edited by
My husband is CONSTANTLY giving Savannah new names. She is:
Pumpkin Noodles
Pumpkin Pie
Precious Pumpkin Pie
Baby Girl
G Force
Pretty Girl
Baby Girl
Princess in a PieGeeze, the list goes on. He actually comes home and announces that he's thought of her ALL DAY and tells her the new name he's come up with. Talk about feeling left out!
wrote on 19 Jul 2007, 01:33 last edited by
Does "That Damned Dog!!" count as a nickname? LOL
It is usually exclaimed by Dh after Keoki has stolen someone's food from the dinner table.
wrote on 19 Jul 2007, 18:19 last edited by
Funny. My DH has the same nickname for Nala! LOL! Also, "PITA"!!
wrote on 19 Jul 2007, 18:44 last edited by
Love it. Yeah, I'm sure if Dh had thought it through he'd have named Keoki 'PITA' instead.
He's {dh} is so funny –in that irritating way -- in that he keeps insisting that "Jazz didn't do this" -- or didn't do it this long, or learned this faster, etc.
Honestly, did he live in the same house when Jazz was a puppy? Sure, she's always been very good, esp for a Basenji, but does he not remember the stolen food? The torn to bits Santa Clause, the slippers I used to own, the neighbor girls' flip-flop? Come on!!! Keoki is only six months old; of course he is a PITA; it's his job! LOL