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Sick Basenji…...Not sure what to do

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • My Basenji Buddy (original I know!!) is 1 1/2 years old and has been acting wierd lately. Yesterday, however, in the middle of the night, Buddy wet the bed while sleeping. After my Fiancee and I realized that it wasnt either of us(thank god), we could not understand why he did it? It was alot too!! This happened around 2am. We switched beds, went back to sleep after cleaning up and right after waking up around 6am Buddy made it down the stairs and pee'd LOTS again on the floor. Told him no but he couldnt stop(he looked embarassed). He usually can hold it during the night and during the day while we are both at work but the past couple of days have been different. He can't hold it anymore.

    We also recently had to change his food cuz he will not eat his regular food…....I have tried almost every brand of dry dog food and he hates it. My trainers said that he will eat it eventually but that is incorrect......Buddy is stubborn(what Basenji isn't).....He would literally starve himself or eat a couple of mouthfuls and then vomit it up......he's quite skinny now and i'm getting worried......I figured maybe it's an allergy to chicken because when he was a pup he loved everything chicken but now being older it makes him vomit. I switched over to "Taste Of The Wild" Salmon flavour and he doesn't like the dry food but he loves the chunky wet version of it. The vomitting has stopped with the wet food....He wants more and he never wants more food which is a good thing right? His bed wetting/eliminating in the house problems started occuring a couple of days after we swtiched his foods. I hope it's not the food that's doing this because we've finally found something that he will eat and not vomit up within 30mins of eating.

    My vet has no background on basenji's and looks to me like i should know. After explaining the eating issue to her she broke out this Giant symptom book and could not narrow it down the slightest......she did however give me a long pricey list of what she could do....guaranteeing nothing, more like an expensive process of elimination procedure.

    Buddy has also been sleeping more than normal the past couple of days but his personality hasnt changed much....

    I need help in narrowing this down......Does anyone know what this might be??

    I should also inform everyone that we got our Buddy from "PAWS R US Kennels", which im pretty sure was the biggest bust of a backyard breeder in canadian history....over 500 dogs of various breeds.....I dont want to get into it cuz it just makes my blood boil about the treatment of their dogs but the problem might have come from the breeder......I'm throwing everything out there just in case...

    I've got him booked into the vets later this week but I know she wont be able to help that much, prolly just another expensive quote.


  • Have you ruled out a UTI? Often times this can cause accidents and lots of urination…also, as a side note ( I personally don't believe the food is related to the urinary symptom or issue) have you talked to your vet to do an allergy panel to see what he is allergic to so you can then deal with a safe food/environment...sometimes allergies can contribute to weight loss, especially if the dogs also sick. Has he been drinking more than normal to account for the frequency in urinating? If so, my red flag is to ask if you had the direct fanconi test via cheek swab. Although 1 1/2 is young to develop symptoms im sure it still happens and if you haven't done that test I recommend getting it REGARDLESS of the current issue since you yourself admit your pup has a questionable just have to do it so you know and for peace of mind. Anyways, others can help further as I have limited knowledge of health issues...a far as the sleeping goes maybe you could have the vet do a FULL thyroid panel just to make sure it's within normal ranges for a basenji....good luck and keep us posted

  • You need to get this dog checked by a vet ASAP. Is he drinking more than usual? The inappropriate peeing could be an indicator of kidney problems. There have been some dog food recalls lately, and the recent switching of food strikes me as possibly significant. I would get him off whatever he was eating when this started, and get the vet to do blood and urine tests to see if something is going on. And of course you should get him DNA tested for Fanconi once things settle down.

  • Do let us know what the vet says re kidney issues.

  • Eeefarm- you are correct! I forgot all about the recalls, if involved that could link the urinary issues and food…cant believe I forgot that!

  • I'm not certain what others will tell you, but I had a similar experience and I was given the following advice from a Wisconsin Breeder who has stopped breeding (due to old age) but has 3 Basenji's ages 2 to 10 year's. The middle dog stopped eating, as did my girl at age 2 1/2, no explanation, just a steadfast rejection of all things kibble. I was told to offer her fresh raw chicken (boneless chicken breast is what I opted for despite the FACT that they can have small pliable bones (as they are in some very high end foods like MERRICK at $2.49 a can). After getting quite thin she immediately took to chicken, 1 cup diced with some chopped or grated fresh granny smith apples and or pears. She has not showed a moments finickiness since. She gets chicken and fruit M-W-F and canned food with a bit of kibble (that I soak in some water to soften) on Tues/Thus/Sat….Sunday we play by ear.[

    She is the healthiest dog I know, and my vet concurs. No salt, no chemicals, no crap...just food (the chicken is Amish Organic, no steroids or chemicals). I actually spend less now than I did on the Merrick and other upscale chow. They do afterall hunt, kill and eat in the Veldt and deep forests when serving their tribal masters in Zaire and elsewhere) it stands to reason chicken would be so palatable.

    As to the peeing, I would worry he has a bladder infection and that has killed his appetite, get him to the vet despite his lack of Basenji experience and check that one out....I am sure you considered this. Good Luck

    and QUOTE=Basenji_noob;158735]My Basenji Buddy (original I know!!) is 1 1/2 years old and has been acting wierd lately. Yesterday, however, in the middle of the night, Buddy wet the bed while sleeping. After my Fiancee and I realized that it wasnt either of us(thank god), we could not understand why he did it? It was alot too!! This happened around 2am. We switched beds, went back to sleep after cleaning up and right after waking up around 6am Buddy made it down the stairs and pee'd LOTS again on the floor. Told him no but he couldnt stop(he looked embarassed). He usually can hold it during the night and during the day while we are both at work but the past couple of days have been different. He can't hold it anymore.

    We also recently had to change his food cuz he will not eat his regular food.......I have tried almost every brand of dry dog food and he hates it. My trainers said that he will eat it eventually but that is incorrect......Buddy is stubborn(what Basenji isn't).....He would literally starve himself or eat a couple of mouthfuls and then vomit it up......he's quite skinny now and i'm getting worried......I figured maybe it's an allergy to chicken because when he was a pup he loved everything chicken but now being older it makes him vomit. I switched over to "Taste Of The Wild" Salmon flavour and he doesn't like the dry food but he loves the chunky wet version of it. The vomitting has stopped with the wet food....He wants more and he never wants more food which is a good thing right? His bed wetting/eliminating in the house problems started occuring a couple of days after we swtiched his foods. I hope it's not the food that's doing this because we've finally found something that he will eat and not vomit up within 30mins of eating.

    My vet has no background on basenji's and looks to me like i should know. After explaining the eating issue to her she broke out this Giant symptom book and could not narrow it down the slightest......she did however give me a long pricey list of what she could do....guaranteeing nothing, more like an expensive process of elimination procedure.

    Buddy has also been sleeping more than normal the past couple of days but his personality hasnt changed much....

    I need help in narrowing this down......Does anyone know what this might be??

    I should also inform everyone that we got our Buddy from "PAWS R US Kennels", which im pretty sure was the biggest bust of a backyard breeder in canadian history....over 500 dogs of various breeds.....I dont want to get into it cuz it just makes my blood boil about the treatment of their dogs but the problem might have come from the breeder......I'm throwing everything out there just in case...

    I've got him booked into the vets later this week but I know she wont be able to help that much, prolly just another expensive quote.


  • Thank you for the concern. I will take him to the vet asap and keep everyone posted.

  • I would start with a urinalysis and blood panel to rule out UTI and check organ function.

    Your trainer is right when they say No HEALTHY dog will starve itself but if there is an underlying health issue so that it was associated eating with feeling ill then that is a whole different matter. I would be seriously concerned if every time the dog eats, it is throwing up. Is it possible that you dog has eaten something it should not have and has a blockage or partial blockage? This would require an ultrasound to see what is going on, on the plus side they would also be able to see if his abdominal organs look normal.

  • Taste of the Wild was on the recall list. At least the kibble was - I'm not sure of the wet canned variety. Had you opened a newer bag of the TOTW kibble recently and started feeding it to your basenji? It may have been some of the food contaminated with salmonella. I had noticed a very very strong smell and the kibble actually looked bigger, a little puffed up.

    Kipawa only ate once from the bag that was recalled. After about 3 minutes of eating his food, he threw it all up. I then researched and found that Kipawa's TOTW had been contaminated. Make sure you mention about the recalled food. Your vet could find some clues there.

    Wishing the best outcome,

  • Don't forget diabetes: vomiting, loss of weight, uncontrollable urination. We all leap to Fanconi but diabetes has very similar symptoms (blood sugar will be high,not just urine sugar.

    And a bad UTI can cause nausea and the urination too, you have many possibilities, some simple to treat, some more complicated, but any good vet should do basic blood panel and urinalysis for starters.

    My old vets advice for nauseated dog who won't eat: cook rice with finely chopped up carrots and green beans, in partial chicken broth, with chicken pieces (or add later.) and give a half cup at a time, several times a day. I never had one turn up their nose to that. Not a long term diet bot good for when they are not feeling good.

    Please let us know how Buddy is doing!

  • My friend's dog recently was diagnosed with an esophageal disease where she would throw up solid food because of the lack of peristalsis but the wet food was able to make it to the stomach. I don't remember the word for the diagnosis off hand, but it was confirmed via an x-ray with contrast…..hope you don't have to deal with this, but do discuss it with your vet as well.

  • Are you sure about his age since he came from a puppymill bust or was that just an estimate? I would have a complete urine and blood test done and go from there. I had a young rescue that had urinary crystals with infection. She would have to go immediately and frequently.

    I have a 5 year old that has an esophagus problem-motility issue. He does not have any urine problems though. He would regurgitate little pieces of food. He is on intestinal prescription food, medication, and has to eat his food level. I put his food bowl on a table so he eats standing up. Thank goodness he does not have Megaesophagus as those dogs have to eat in a special chair-Bailey chair-sitting up and usually kept in that position 30 minutes after eating. He was diagnosed as an older pup and had a Fluroscope-swallowing test done. Vascular ring anomaly can cause this also.


  • Please keep us posted about the vet's visit… I hope all is well?
    :) Hugs and Roos-

  • My basenji is 9 months and recently started showing the exact same symptoms… it started when he started taking medication from the vet for a sinus infection but lingered even now when he's off the meds. I haven't brought him back to the vet yet to have his urine checked... did you discover anything from your vet??

  • My basenji is 10 months and exhibiting the same behavior… what did you discover?

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    I too am sorry for not seeing this thread sooner and hopefully the poster will return. My Basenji had some teeth removed and the vet prescribed Carprofen as the follow up antibiotic. My Basenji turned out to be allergic to Carprofen which caused her liver to fail. I went through the same scenario you are describing. She gradually quit eating over the course of several days and then her water consumption started to go down. The eating had me worried since she had an excellent appetite upon return from the vet and the final purging of the anesthesia from her system. Nevertheless, her condition started to degrade. I followed her outside and watched her urinate. Her urine was a very bright yellow. I suspected then a liver issue. Once back inside she was shivering - off to the vet we went. LIver panel blood work up showed very high on specific indicators for failing liver. Vet prescribed Denamarin (containing SAM-e and silybin). SAM-e helps protect liver cells from cell death and aids in cell repair and regeneration. The Vet also started fluid injections. Fluid injections were everyday for two weeks. My Basenji showed a remarkable response to the fluid injections becoming much more her normal self even after the first day. She hated the injections and I could hear her cry when receiving them at the vet (believe me that will tear you up). But she was doing better and she (me) were going to have to tuff this out. Also a different antibiotic was prescribed to prevent liver infection during recovery. The Denamarin comes in dosages based on weight (medium for us). It is the size of a large human like solid oblong vitamin pill. Instructions want you to give it on an empty stomach and preferably not to cut it or place in something similar to a pill pocket however you can if necessary. My Basenji would not take that size (can't blame her). Cutting and disguising it did not work either. I was frantic and got the SAM-e in powder form. I couldn't slip her that either. All though some folks had success with peanut butter and liverwurst. I finally after three days had to have the vet pill her along with her fluid treatments. A week later another blood sample and her liver panel indicators were coming down. The pilling would last for a month and it took two people to get the pill down her. The important part is - she fully recovered from the liver failure. She is 13 1/2 yrs old. My experience after having 5 Basenjis is that the breed is sensitive to medications (anesthesia also). Many of the medications work just fine in most other breeds and mixes. The vet, if not that experienced with the Basenji, must be cautioned. Mine was not. Before accepting any medication have the vet go over any contraindications with you and to double check their resources for potential side effects when dealing with Basenjis. They may switch to something else if a medication has a bad track history with Basenjis. Know what to watch for should your Basenji start to react in a non-positive manner. The poster did not indicate if there were medications in play when the dog started showing degenerating conditions. I sincerely hopes this helps in some way and helps other Basenji owners
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    Hi, Lots of good advice here already. For the time being: I found in the Animal Desk Reference Manual (Essential Oils for Animals) by Melissa Shelton under Giardia on page 417 a list of possible remedies. One that you may have access to is Clove oil - you can put a drop or two in her water daily or in her food. Essential oils are very effective against parasites.
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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
    0 Votes
    22 Posts
    I saw that you have a sewing machine – its not hard to make your own coat. I made one for my previous beasties with fleece and wool. I made it with a high colar (for the backside of the neck) and an indentation for the tail and a big belly and chest band (I used snaps at first but then switched to velcro). It worked pretty good for our single digit temps (and the occasional below zero walks to the corner). My current beastie refuses to go out the door with a coat on, however. When the outside temps are below 10F she won't stay outside any longer than necessary to go potty - the squirrels can run around all they want then! With respect to booties, mine will at least tolerate them when we go for walks but it's more for the road salt. However, the good pair I bought this year leak somehow (maybe through the stitching?) and she doesn't like them with they get wet inside. Nevertheless be sure you get the best you can find.
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