Anyone ever buy a puppy from Hilltop Meadows in Caldwell TX
Can you tell us more about yourself? Do you live alone, have a fenced yard, plan to keep the dog indoors, etc? How far are you willing to drive to pick up your puppy? What types of pets have you had in the past, or have presently etc? What hours do you work that the puppy would be alone, need someone to take it out etc.
There may be some people on this list who can refer you to breeders that may have available puppies as litters are born. Sometimes we expect 3-4 pups and get 7. I do know of pending litters in NY, PA, IN and KY that may end up with more puppies than they have reservations.
and remember, a basenji can never use an invisble fence. They will run right thru it and other dogs can come on your property and kill your pet.
I had just filled out a HUGE questionnaire on the same questions u just asked me. My hands hurt from typing so much haha but here is a quick over view. I live with my boyfriend on the lower level of my cousins home which is completely separate from the upstairs. We both work at the same place between 5-8 hours 5 days a week. My cousin comes home from lunch everyday to take his dog Fin out. He said he would do the same for us if we were to get a dog. We just put up a fence. It is similar to the style of a dog park because there are two fences basically. The first gate is near the drive way which is a 10 foot high privacy fence and then u walk into a 20 by 20 grassed area and then there is another gate that goes into another fenced in area that is surrounded by a 6 foot chain link fence the the yard is longer than wider. Anyway once we get home from work we just stay home so the dog would be around us all the time. We are active in the sense we go hiking and trail walking. I plan on crating the dog when I am not home because of what I read and how they are destructive when left alone and bored. I will ALWAYS have it on a leash even in the fenced in yard since they are sight hounds and will want to get anything running. I had a dog an English Springer Spaniel when I was growing up with my parents. We got him because someone was abandoning him and we took him. We had him for a good year but my mother never had allergies and then developed them really bad. So her friend had adopted him and she had another Springer Spaniel and had a big yard for them to play with. She told me if I learn there is everything there is about dogs one day she will get me a hypo-allergenic dog. Well, years pasted I moved out and now I think its time for me to get a dog. I did what she told me I went to the library read dog books day in and day out. I had my own dog walking business as a teenager and I dog sat as well. I still dog sit for my boss when she goes away. I watch animal planet like a religion. So dogs have been a passion of mine for ever it seems. If there are more questions u have I will be happy to answer them. Also I contacted breeders near me and one responded so far and said they are not willing to do a payment plan but I guess I will keep reaching out to people. Oh and I have a bearded dragon as of right now but his cage is 5 feet off the ground and is tucked away so a dog would not be able to get near him.
This is not a correct statement, while BRAT is a wonderful group with too many deserving Basenjis waiting for their forever homes, please not that BRAT Does NOT DNA test for Fanconi
nooo! i'm sorry! i didn't mean it like that. i mean they will tell you if the puppy has fanconi or not. they do test for fanconi every month, as you should with your basenjis with the testing strips..
Why are you planning on crating when you don't know how your dog is yet? I do believe it's different in America versus Europe on crating dogs. I have two dogs myself, I do have crates, but I rarely use them, and I won't use them as they are home alone either.
Not pointing any fingers, just wondering.
nooo! i'm sorry! i didn't mean it like that. i mean they will tell you if the puppy has fanconi or not. they do test for fanconi every month, as you should with your basenjis with the testing strips..
If people would DNA test, then if Clear or Carrier, no need to strip test. Strip testing only tells you on that day, the Basenji is not spilling sugar, could have been the day before or the day after. So really doesn't tell you if that Basenji does or does not have Fanconi
Strip testing does not tell you if the dog you are adopting has Fanconi, it only says that at that moment it is or is not symptomatic. Strip testing is not the same as testing for Fanconi using the DNA test and should not be referred to as "testing for fanconi" it is screening for symptoms.
Basenji are not really hypo-allergenic, while they are usually good with people that have minor allergies, keep in mind they do shed and they do have dander which is usually what people with allergies react to. I think you will find that when at home in a fenced yard they would be fine and not need to be on a leash. Granted some will climb a chain link fence but that 99% of the time is because they are alone and bored.
Well, I am just going by what allot of people here in America I guess say is the best method but u are right. You do have a point I do not know that info so it will all vary once I get it. By the way GOOD NEWS! I decided I WILL NOT being getting a puppy from that woman in Texas as she IS a puppy mill breeder. I spoke to a woman who is very devoted to the breed and is located in Mass. she wants to meet me first in person so I will drive there which will take about 6 hours just to meet and then come back at a later date, that is if both her and I decide this is a good idea to work with each other, to pick a puppy and ect.. so I feel soo much better about all this that I will not be supporting a puppy mill and I am going through legit breeder who only wants to better the breed. She only reserves 2 puppies for companionship out of each litter for the most part and the other dogs she chooses are for herself to show and breed to better breed standards. So I hope that every one is feeling better like I am about my decision. You guys are right there is no rush and there is no price when it comes to getting the best of the breed I do not want to be a supporter of puppy mills. I am so glad I researched all this before I made the final decision because I bet there are many people out there that just buy a dog on impulse.
Eldorado Basenji's in Mass.
There is a race meet this weekend in Frenchtown, NJ. There will be a lot of basenji there racing if you would like to visit and meet some up close. My breeders said she would be happy to introduce you to her 4 kids and let you get a feel for the breed.
Oh good…you've come to your senses about getting the other pup. :) All kidding aside, I have to commend you for being so open about everything with answering all the questions. And also have to commend you for not supporting a puppy mill.
I think you'll be very happy with a pup from Eldorado. I have dogs from Eldorado and can't say enough great things about my dogs - they have excellent temperaments. The sisters are very transparent about health testing (everything is on OFFA) and health questions/issues. I've found them to be a great resource with questions after the fact as well.
What time and day is the race? I work weekends but i would be very interested. Also I am glad I'm goin with them because she really cared to ask me allot of questions and didnt rush me off the phone. She was really sweet and knowledgeable.
The meets are normally from 8- 1 or so both days. There are also races later in the month, or you could visit her at her house in PHillipsburg, she is always willing to let people come oer and meet the breed even though she is not currently breeding. My boy Trog was her last litter 6 yrs ago.
Vickay–-I am also glad to hear about your decision. I wish that I had found this forum BEFORE I bought Binti. I know the others would have steered me into a much better decision. I did not realize all the other breeds Candyce was breeding and was sorry when I realized that I had, indeed, supported a puppy mill type operation. Good for you!!! And I will do better next time. Have fun with your puppy when you get him/her!!
Vickay–-I am also glad to hear about your decision. I wish that I had found this forum BEFORE I bought Binti. I know the others would have steered me into a much better decision. I did not realize all the other breeds Candyce was breeding and was sorry when I realized that I had, indeed, supported a puppy mill type operation. Good for you!!! And I will do better next time. Have fun with your puppy when you get him/her!!
But the thing to remember here is that you have reconized that she is a BYB/Puppymill…. and now you know to do your homework, so kudos to you!
I just want to say that since becoming a member of this forum I have gained a true respect for breeders like the ones here. It is inspiring to see so many people who care about the animals they are breeding and doing so just to make sure that Basenjis remain sound and healthy. I always had some misconceptions about breed fancies and those who breed dogs, but I no longer hold those views, thanks to you guys. You have educated me and opened my eyes and for that, I thank you. I think I will always adopt my dogs - I have no desire to deal with puppy shenanigans! :) But, it is good to know that there are people out there who are trying to ensure that the Basenjis they breed are well cared for, valued and the result of careful and thoughtful pairings. So, Kudos to you guys and thanks for all of the great information!
How is it that she would make a profit when she charges less then a normal breeder though? I am not defending her in anyway I was just puzzled.:confused:
Interesting question.
Let's see. If she has three bitches which she breeds every year for a period of say, 4 years, and each bitch has on average 5 puppies, she has the potential to make:
Income potential - PM:
3 bitches x 5 pups each x 4 years = 60 pups
If she sells each for average $500 = $30,000 or $7,500 a 7,500.00
However - we must take into account her expenses.
Expense potential:
1/Stud fee = $0 (usually owns the male(s) who is oftentimes related to the female(s))
2/Genetic health testing = $0 (usually only does this when pressed to do so)
3/Show or performance venue expenses to prove form and function of breeding stock: $0
4/ General vet care: dew claws, first exam, vaccinations, wormings: avg $50 - does not do dewclaws or a vet exam, usually buys products online and administers themselvesNow then, to compare:
Responsible breeder (RB): Caveat: A responsible breeder only breeds one, maybe two bitches a year; usually only breeds them once or twice in their lifetime, and oftentimes does not breed every year.
For the sake of comparing - we will give the RB the same number of bitches/puppies as the puppymiller.
Income - RB:
3 bitches x 5 pups each x 4 years = 60 pups
Sells each for average $1000 = $60,000 (less 1 pup from each litter which they keep since resp. breeders first breed for themselves - 12 x $1,000 - $12,000 or $48,000)Total= $48,000 or $12,000/year
Stud fee = cost of a puppy or $1,000 x 3 bitches = $3,000/ year
total: $3,000/year
Genetic health testing =
a/ Hips/elbows/patellas - done once, age 2 - most do it under anesthesia, avg. total for all plus OFA applications = $500 x 3 = $1,500 /4 years = $375/yearb/ Eyes - needs to be done yearly: avg $60 a year, per bitch, bitch is tested from birth through end of last breeding (age 6) = $360 per bitch x 3 bitches = $1,080 (Most RB's will continue to test until death - so in truth - we should add another 8 years on for each or another $1,440)
c/ Thyroid - needs to be done yearly: avg $180 a year, per bitch, bitch is tested from birth through end of last breeding (age 6) = $1,080. per bitch x 3 bitches = $3,240 (Most RB's will continue to test until death - so in truth - we should add another 8 years on for each or another $4,320)
d/ Fanconi - done once for the dams: $65 x 3 = $195.00 /4 years = $48.75
d1/ Fanconi - most RB's test the pups BEFORE going home so $65 x 60 pups = $3,900/4 years = 975/year
e/ Heart (should be by board cert cardiologist) - done once avg cost $100 x 3 = $300
7/ Dewclaws/Exam/vaccinations/wormings: most take to a vet for all of this - avg visit per bitch $200 x 3 = $300/year plus dewclaw visit of $300 (however most RB's do not let their pups leave until 10-12 weeks which means a second vet visit is needed 300x 2 =$600)total: $6619 (or $12379 if you include the continued yearly testing of eyes and thyroids done on those who were bred)
Show/performance venue expenses to prove form and function of breeding stock - these are seriously deflated in today's economy:
Avg cost of dog show entry - $25 x 3 bitches = $75/show
Avg number of shows/venues (not weekends) entered each year to get various titles = 100 shows x $75 = $7500/year for all three
Avg travel expenses (gas, hotel, wear and tear on car, parking) to obtain these titles = $100/show x 100 shows = $10000
total: $17500
Net profit:
PM profit/loss: 7,450 - IN their pocket (7,500 inc less 50 exp)
RB profit/loss: <15,119> - OUT of their pocket (12,000 - 3,000 (stud fees) - 6,619. (health testing) - 17,500. = <$15,119> )Expenses I could have added to the RB's side: time and energy spent socializing, quality vet care, high quality food, vaccine protocol adherence creating more vet visits, microchips, puppy packets, lifelong education/support of puppy buyer, etc., etc., etc.
In truth - you then have to multiply the PM profit by the number of breeds they breed (most who whelp twice a year) and well, it can be rather lucrative for some of them.
(I apologize in advance if my math is wrong - not my area of expertise), but I think one can see the general idea!;)