Just introducing my little girl who is only 10 weeks old! I"m new here and while I did a lot of research before getting her, still relatively new to this breed! Glad have found this community:) Here are some pictures of her!
Thanks! wanted to give her a good name since I fudged Beo's name…....named him Darby O'Gill and then realized weeks in that it spells 'Dog' so had to rush to change it. Named him Beo after Beowulf - because he seemed so anti-heroic and I never figured he'd be much of a protector. Name curse took over from there though. Bop-It should be safe from the name curse.
Sound advice, trying to enjoy it while it lasts :)
I have a Basenji with IBD, I have her on Hills Z-D prescription hypoallergenic, but I am considering trying raw diet.
I am doing my homework now, and joined a raw diet support group on facebook.
Congratulations on your puppy! Good job getting him out of that situation, 5 weeks is too young to leave the mother but I am glad you got him away from that bad breeder.
If I were you I would report that breeder…sounds like the animals she still has are in an abusive situation.